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Showing items 34151 through 34160 of 35092.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemDescription of Required Services
    Required Services to be provided:_____. Use the following clause in the Architectural and Engineering Consultant Agreement- General. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemAdditional Services- General
    Bilingual Construction Documents Yes:_____ No:_____ 1. The Consultant shall: (a) provide construction documents in Canada's two Official Languages; (b) affix a professional seal to both language versions of the construction documents. 2. The total amount ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPackaging Specs- Insert Type Folders
    Maximum quantities per boxed unit, according to type of insert, will be as follows: 2 folds (4 thicknesses): 1,000 per unit 1 fold (2 thicknesses): 2,000 per unit single thickness (paper stock): 4,000 per unit single thickness (card stock): 2,000 per unit ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPackaging
    The following MUST be observed: a) ALL printed matter is to be shipped "finished," lying FLAT in boxes- NOT on their sides or ends. b) ALL printed matter is to be packed in new cardboard boxes of uniform size. c) ALL boxes are to contain the same number of ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPackaging
    Items shall be packed to permit the application of the lowest available less-than-carload/truckload freight classification, in new and uniform cartons not exceeding 35 lbs. in weight. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPackaging
    Goods must be strapped and packaged for ease of handling. Delivery must be made on standard wooden skids (40-50" wide x 48" deep). Skid load not to exceed 60" in height and no heavier than 2,500 lbs. Cartons are not to exceed 35 lbs. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPackaging- Customs and Excise
    Goods must be strapped and packaged for ease of handling. Delivery must be made on standard wooden pallets (42" wide x 48" deep). Pallet load is not to exceed 60" in height and no heavier than 2,500 lbs. Cartons are not to exceed 35 lbs. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemLabelling
    All boxes will be labelled, in large and bold lettering (minimum 20 points size) with: a) title and language; b) catalogue number; c) quantity per box. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSerial Numbers
    Boxes without serial numbers are not acceptable. Boxes must be numbered sequentially and content serial numbers indicated on outside of container. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSerial Numbers
    All serial numbered boxes must be packed on skids with the lowest number on top reading across from left to right so that the highest numbers will be at the bottom on the skids. ...

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