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Showing items 33811 through 33820 of 35092.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemHaulage Rates and/or Fair Wage Schedule
    1. Bidders/Tenderers must comply with the federal government Haulage Rates Policy and Fair Wages and Hours of Labour Regulations where any resultant contract will have truck haulage as a component of the work to be provided or involve a federal Fair Wage ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFair Wages
    1. By submission of its tender, the Contractor's agreement is that, for work where a federal Fair Wage Schedule forms part of the Contract, it will pay its employees in accordance with the Fair Wages Schedule as and where established by the federal ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemReels and Lags- Cost
    1. A deposit shall be paid on reels and lags when the material is paid for. The deposits are: Reels $_____ Types/Size_____ Lags $_____ Types/Size_____ 2. The deposit is refundable in full on reels and lags that are returned to the factory freight prepaid, ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemContainer Charges
    The_____ shall be charged extra at $_____. Credit in full shall be allowed for each_____ returned in good condition, freight prepaid to:_____ ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDrum Charges
    Drums (205 litre) shall be charged extra at $_____ for lights, $_____ for heavies. Credit in full shall be allowed for each drum returned in good condition, freight prepaid to_____. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemCylinder Charges
    The Contractor-owned cylinders are loaned free of charge for a period of thirty (30) days, after which time a charge of $_____ per cylinder per day applies. Cylinders are to be returned to the Contractor's nearest warehouse, transportation charges prepaid. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemCylinders, Loss of
    1. In the event of a cylinder being lost or damaged beyond repair, its value shall be deemed to be: (a) Cylinders of 6 cubic metres (200 cubic feet) and OVER: $_____ per cylinder. (b) Cylinders UNDER 6 cubic metres (200 cubic feet) and OVER 2.77 cubic ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDemurrage Charges
    All demurrage charges, caused by the Contractor's action or omission, shall be defrayed by the Contractor at no cost to Canada. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemContainer, Cost
    The_____ will be charged extra at $_____ each, or such other sum as is consistent with the type of container supplied. Credit in full to be allowed for each container returned in good condition, freight prepaid to_____. If the following clause is used, ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemEscalation
    In the event that there is a change in price resulting from any regulatory action taken by the Canadian Wheat Board and/or Ontario Marketing Board, this agreement shall be subject to revision to reflect the exact cost of such increase/decrease at the time ...

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