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Showing items 32131 through 32140 of 33878.

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  • GCPolicy notificationInvoicing Instructions- Client Reference Number
    The utilization of differing financial management systems by many of our clients has resulted in a number of difficulties in the handling of requisitions by PWGSC for the client and their suppliers. In an effort to address this issue, a new indicator- the ...
  • GCPolicy notificationContract Amendment Approval Process (CAAP)
    The new Departmental Delegation of Authority framework was implemented on July 17, 1998. A key objective of this new approval framework is to encourage more comprehensive preplanning of all procurements. It is expected that these changes will improve the ...
  • GCPolicy notificationAdvance Contract Award Notice Policy- Update
    Introduction Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) is undertaking a comprehensive review of its Advance Contract Award Notice (ACAN) policy and guidelines. This Policy Notification (PN) sets out interim policy and guidelines that are to be ...
  • GCPolicy notificationAdvance Contract Award Notice Policy Review
    Further to PN-39U dated 13 March 2000, the ACAN policy review lead by Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) has been completed and a revised policy entitled Guide for Managers: Best Practices For Using Advance Contract Award Notices (ACANs) has been approved ...
  • GCPolicy notificationAdvance Contract Award Notice Policy Review
    A great deal of attention has be given to sole-sourcing within government. The Standing Committee of Public Accounts devoted a considerable amount of time to this issue and raised several concerns. More recently, the Auditor General issued in November, ...
  • GCPolicy notificationNational Security Exceptions (Use of the Trade Agreement)
    Purpose The purpose of the Policy Notification (PN) is to update the Supply Manual in advance of its next formal publication to bring it into line with current practice in invoking the national security exceptions (NSE) of the various trade agreements, ...
  • GCPolicy notificationNotification of Bidders
    Introduction This Policy Notification (PN)-73 changes the policy on direct notification to potential bidders when a procurement is carried out subject to a trade agreement. Until now, there have been different approaches when a procurement is or is not ...
  • GCPolicy notificationShipping Instructions and Invoicing Clauses- Update
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification (PN) 62U1 is to update the shipping instructions detailed in Standard Acquisitions Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual clause D0035D given that the Department of National Defence (DND) shipping contract ...
  • GCPolicy notificationShipping Instructions and Invoicing Clauses- Update
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification (PN)-62U is to update Incoterms 2000 and other miscellaneous shipping instructions, and related invoicing clauses. PN-62 was originally promulgated in May 2003 to introduce shipping clauses which use the ...
  • GCPolicy notificationShipping Instructions for Certain DND Requirements- Incoterms 2000
    An agreement-in-principle was reached between officials of the Department of National Defence (DND) and Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) to use the Incoterm "FCA Free Carrier (... named place)", whenever possible, rather than Free on ...

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