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Showing items 34721 through 34730 of 35135.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemCost Submission
    1. On completion of the Contractor's obligations under this Contract, the Contractor shall prepare and submit a cost submission to the Contracting Authority specified in this Contract. The cost submission shall be a statement of the costs incurred by the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemProposal and Pre-award Costs
    No payment shall be made for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a proposal in response to this Request for Proposal. No costs incurred before receipt of a signed contract or specified written authorization from the Contracting Authority ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemBasis of Pricing
    Pricing is to be provided as outlined on Appendix "__". In addition, the following shall apply: 1. Lot prices are for product/equipment delivered including all applicable taxes. 2. Tank rental pricing shall remain firm during the proposed period. 3. The ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPricing
    1. Hydrostatic testing, packaging, winterizing and recharging: firm unit prices, sales tax included, for each operation and for each item listed on Appendix "_____". 2. Repair, overhaul, modification and reduction to spares- prices as follows: a) Labour: ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPricing
    The price to be paid will be the minimum per diem rates established by the professional association in the province of_____ plus the actual cost of all disbursements properly incurred in the performance of this Contract including fair and reasonable ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPricing
    Prices, including fitting charges shall be as stated on the attached form DSS-MAS 1150 "Optical Supplies (Spectacles) and Services". ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPricing
    Prices are to be submitted only on items showing a quantity in column "G", pick-up and delivery_____. Do not quote on weight basis. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPricing
    Prices as marked on merchandise in your store and warehouse sales offices on date of ordering, less a discount of_____ percent. In addition to the above pricing, special offering due to year end or surplus manufacturing runs, special job lots, sales, etc., ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPricing
    1. You shall be paid the basic price of $_____ per square metre of road, entrances, sidewalks and parking areas, etc., for a total of $_____ square metres of snow clearing over the entire area shown on drawing. This basic price shall apply only to a ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPricing
    1. The Contractor will be paid a retainer fee equal to $_____. Payment will be made in five equal instalments of $_____ at the end of December through April inclusive. If the Contractor should default (as specified under the Default heading), he will be ...

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