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Showing items 34081 through 34090 of 35135.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemUFACYI- Creation of a List
    The benefits that apply to this procurement are contained in: Section 5, Umbrella Final Agreement, Council for Yukon Indians (UFACYI), clauses: 22.5.4 For contracts to be awarded in the Yukon, Canada undertakes to include on contract lists those qualified ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSDMCLCA- Notification
    The benefits that apply to this procurement are contained in: Section 6, Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement (SDMCLCA), clauses: 12.2.1 Where government carries out public activities in the settlement area which give rise to employment ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemBanks Island- Notification
    The benefits that apply to this procurement are contained in: Section 7, An Agreement for the Establishment of a National Park on Banks Island, clause: 8.02 The Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC), with respect to Western Arctic Region, and the Sachs ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemTuktut Nogait- Notification
    The benefits that apply to this procurement are contained in: Section 8, Tuktut Nogait National Park Agreement clause: 14.2 The Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC), with respect to the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR), and the Paulatuk Community ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemNWS- Evaluation Criteria
    The benefits that apply to this procurement are contained in: Section 9, Co-operation Agreement between the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation and the Department of National Defence Concerning the Operation and Maintenance of the North Warning System (NWS), ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDocumentation- FOB Panalpina Inc.
    Dangerous Goods: 1. The nature, quantity and United Nations number of any dangerous good are to be included with each dangerous good, in accordance with the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code and the latest International Air Transport Association ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSupply Arrangement Authority
    The Supply Arrangement Authority for the Supply Arrangement is: Name:________________ Title:________________ Public Works and Government Services Canada Acquisitions Branch______________ Directorate Address:_______________ Telephone:____-___-____ Facsimile ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemAboriginal Business Certification
    1. The Supplier warrants that the certification of compliance with the definition of an Aboriginal business set out in the Requirements for the Set-aside Program for Aboriginal Business submitted by the Supplier is accurate and complete. 2. The Supplier ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemCommunications Notification
    As a courtesy, the Government of Canada requests that successful suppliers notify the Supply Arrangement Authority in advance of their intention to make public an announcement related to the issuance of a supply arrangement or the award of a contract ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPersonnel, Replacement of Specified
    1. When specific persons have been named in the Contract as the persons who must perform the Work, the Contractor shall provide the services of the persons so named unless the Contractor is unable to do so for reasons beyond its control. 2. If at any time ...

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