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Showing items 61 through 70 of 104 for SF.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemRecommanded Spare Parts List
    1. The Contractor shall, within_____ days of the effective date of the Contract, provide to the Contracting Authority and to DND address cited below, a Recommended Spare Parts List (RSPL) prepared in accordance with the current issue of Canadian Forces ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemAdditional Package Markings
    1. The Contractor must ensure that in addition to the required interior and exterior package markings, the following information is provided_______ (contracting officer to insert "for item(s)_______" when the information is not required for all items). (a) ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemAdditional Package Markings
    1. The Contractor must ensure that in addition to the required interior and exterior package markings, the following information is provided: For item(s)___________: (a)__________; (b)__________; For item(s)________: (a)__________; (b)__________; 2. These ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDelivery- Preparation
    1. For contractors located in Canada: Preservation and packaging shall be in accordance with the Canadian Forces Packaging Specification D-LM-008-OO1/SF-001, and shall be marked to D-LM-008-OO2/SF-001. Level B "PKG DATA FORM REQD", shall be in accordance ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDelivery- Preparation
    1. For Contractors Located in Canada Preservation and packaging for items_____ shall be in accordance with the Canadian Forces packaging specification D-LM-008-001/SF-001, and shall be marked to D-LM-008-002/SF-001. Level B "PKG DATA FORM REQD", shall be ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPreparation for Delivery
    Preparation for delivery for item (s)_____ shall be in accordance with the latest issue of the Canadian Forces packaging specifications_____. Use this clause to define the packaging specifications for the procurement of items covered by a commodity ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPreparation for Delivery
    Preparation for delivery for item (s)_____ shall be in accordance with the latest issue of the Canadian Forces packaging specification_____. Use this clause to define the packaging specification for the procurement of items covered by a commodity packaging ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGQA at Source- QUAL CONT/INSP-FUELS
    In the performance of the Work described herein, the Contractor shall comply with the requirements of D-QA-001-015/SF-001, Specification for Quality Control and Inspection Requirements for Suppliers of Aviation Fuels and Into-Plane Services. Quality ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGQA at Source- QUAL CONT/INSP-OILS
    In the performance of the Work described herein, the Contractor shall comply with the requirements of D-QA-001-015/SF-002, Quality Control and Inspection Requirements for Suppliers of Packaged Lubricating Oils and Hydraulic Fluids. Quality control and ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGQA at Source- QUAL CONT/INSP
    In the performance of the Work described herein, the Contractor shall comply with the quality control/inspection requirements identified in the tender/contract or for each Quality Assurance Code (QAC) listed on the attached forms or continuation sheets. ...

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