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Showing items 14011 through 14020 of 14263 for SE.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemEscalation for Mills
    1. The price of paper, as indicated in this Contract, is subject to fluctuation, as provided by the following, in the event the Contractor's Published Price List varies between the date of this Contract and the date of first shipment. 2. In the event such ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemEscalation for Distributers
    1. Subject to the following provisions, a portion of the price may be increased or decreased, depending on the price variation of paper stock, between the date the Contractor submitted its bid and the date of first delivery of work. 2. In the event of ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemProvincial Sales Tax
    Unless otherwise required by law, the Contractor shall not invoice or collect any ad valorem sales tax levied by the province in which the taxable goods or services are delivered to federal government departments and agencies. Use the following clause in ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemTax Withholding of 15 Percent
    The Contractor agrees that, pursuant to the provisions of the Income Tax Act, Canada is empowered to withhold an amount of 15 percent of the price to be paid to the Contractor, if the Contractor is a non-resident contractor as defined in said Act. This ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemForeign Exchange Fluctuations
    1. The price(s) quoted by Canadian-based suppliers shall be quoted and payable in Canadian funds. The option rests with foreign-based bidders to quote the price(s) in Canadian or foreign currency, with payment made accordingly. If the price is quoted in ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemForeign Exchange Adjustments
    1. The price(s) quoted by Canadian-based suppliers shall be quoted and payable in Canadian funds. The option rests with foreign-based bidders to quote in Canadian or foreign currency. If quoted in Canadian currency, the price shall be adjusted in ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPrice to be Negotiated, Progress payment
    The price for the Work is to be negotiated and the Contractor will enter into such negotiations as soon as reasonably practicable and, in any event, prior to completion of the Work. Pending completion of such negotiations, the Contractor will receive ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemCeiling Price
    The price specified of $_____ for the Work is a ceiling price and is subject to downward adjustment so as not to exceed the actual charges and costs reasonably incurred in the performance of the Work and computed in accordance with the basis of payment. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemBasis of Payment- Ceiling Price
    The Contractor will be paid its costs reasonably and properly incurred in the performance of the Work to a ceiling price of $______,______ (insert as applicable: "determined in accordance with the following:" or " determined in accordance with Annex____ ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGoods and Services Tax
    The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is not included in the amounts shown in the Basis of Payment and Limitation of Expenditure clauses. The GST, which is estimated at $_____, is included in the Total Estimated Cost shown on page 1 of this Contract. The GST, ...

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