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Showing items 13361 through 13370 of 14263 for SE.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemWork Location
    Normally, the work shall be performed at the Offeror's own place of business. However, provision will be made for the Offeror's personnel to have access to classified and sensitive material as required. Facilities will be provided as necessary by the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemInsurance Requirements
    The Carrier shall obtain and keep in force, during the term of the Standing Offer and any renewal thereof, not less than the minimum insurance coverage as set forth in the Air Transportation Regulations sections 6, 7 and 8. Such insurance is to be effected ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPersonnel Provided- Qualification
    It is understood and agreed that personnel will not be assigned in response to call-ups unless they have been skill-tested by the Offeror. All temporary personnel supplied shall meet the applicable minimum selection standards in the latest issue of the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPersonnel, Assignment of
    It is understood and agreed that personnel will not be assigned in response to call-ups unless they have been skill-tested by the Supplier and meet the minimum qualification standards for the classification and level as set out in the DSS Catalogue of ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemEstimated Utilization- Standing Offer
    It is currently estimated that the total cost of services that could be called up by Canada against the proposed standing offers could amount to $_____. It is therefore Canada's intention to issue a series of standing offers totalling the above aggregate ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDry Cleaning/Fire Proofing of Drapes
    ALL PRICING INCLUDES REMOVAL AND REINSTALLATION OF DRAPES. 1. Dry cleaning of lined drapes: PRICING $_____ per sq. ft. PROJECTED ESTIMATED USAGE_____ sq. ft. 2. Dry cleaning of unlined drapes: PRICING $_____ per sq. ft. PROJECTED ESTIMATED USAGE_____ sq. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemLaundering
    REQUIREMENT: FOR THE LAUNDERING OF ITEMS AS PER APPENDIX "A" ON AN "AS AND WHEN REQUESTED" BASIS. BASIC OF AWARD: Award of Standing Offer will be made on a low aggregate basis utilizing the estimated usage figures reflected in Appendix "__". PRICES TO ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGarments- Rental and Laundry
    REQUIREMENT: FOR THE RENTAL AND LAUNDRY OF GARMENTS AND TOWELS AS LISTED ON APPENDIX "A". Customer departments will provide the successful Bidder with a list of names of people requiring garments, along with the quantity of towels required. The supplier ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemEnquiries- Solicitation Stage
    All enquiries regarding the solicitation must be submitted in writing to the Contracting Authority named on page one of this document as early as possible within the offer period. Enquiries must be received no less than_____ calendar days prior to closing ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemBasis of Selection
    The lowest priced valid offer will be recommended for use as a standing offer. Offers achieving 70 points or more will be further evaluated taking into account the proposed Basis of Payment. The offer presenting the best value to the Crown when both ...

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