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Showing items 12831 through 12840 of 13014 for SE.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemPreservative
    All open bearing are to be inhibited with a preservative compound conforming to standard 31-GP-3M (MIL-C-16173) Gr 2 or MIL-C-11796B. All seals or shielded bearings must be of current production. Bearings manufactured within a period of one year from date ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemProofs
    One set of proofs shall be submitted to: Correctional Services of Canada Materiel Management 340 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0P9 Attn: W. Hannaford ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDrawings and Specifications
    1. Deliverable end items shall conform to drawings and specifications approved by the Design Authority. The following shall be forwarded to the Design Authority for approval prior to the commencement of manufacture: (a) two (2) data lists of all drawings ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPrint Quality
    1. Print Quality is to be in accordance with the level detailed in the specifications and defined in the 1985 Edition of DSS Canadian Government Printing Office booklet entitled "Print Quality Levels". 2. Authors' alterations of a minor nature resulting ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemWarranty- Civilian
    In modification of the provisions of section 8, entitled "Warranty" of General Conditions DSS-MAS 1026A, the Contractor hereby warrants, for a period of ninety (90) days, commencing on the acceptance date of the vessel, that all workmanship and materials ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemHovercraft- Standard of Work
    Overhaul or repair shall be carried out in accordance with the latest amended manufacturers' maintenance and overhaul manuals, mandatory service bulletins, service letters and any other special instructions applicable to specific components. A document ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemState of Charge
    Lead acid batteries are to be supplied in a dry charged state. Alkaline batteries are to be supplied in a wet uncharged state. In the event that the supplier advises in writing that the item(s) demanded is(are) not available as specified above, the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGovernment Smoking Policy
    Where the performance of work requires the presence of the Contractor's personnel on government premises, the Contractor shall ensure that its personnel shall comply with the policy of the Government of Canada which prohibits smoking on any government ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSample- Sealed
    The supplies shall conform to the sealed sample which may be seen on application to:_____. If the following clause is used, enter fill-in data. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSample- Sealed
    The supplies shall conform to the sealed sample provided. ...

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