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Showing items 91 through 100 of 110 for S3.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemOwner/Employee Certification- Set-aside for Aboriginal Business
    If requested by the Supply Arrangement Authority, the Supplier must provide the following certification for each owner and employee who is Aboriginal: I am___________ (insert "an owner" and/or "a full-time employee") of_________________ (insert name of ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSet-aside for Aboriginal Business
    This procurement is set aside under the federal government's Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business, as detailed in Annex 9.4 Requirements for the Set-aside Program for Aboriginal Business, of the Supply Manual The Supplier: certifies that it meets, ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFederal Contractors Program- $200,000 or more
    Clause S3030T is cancelled because it has been replaced by a Notification to suppliers in the RFSA Template indicating that the bid solicitation and resulting contract templates would address such specific requirements in the event that the Supply ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFederal Contractors Program- over $25,000 and below $200,000
    Clause S3031T is cancelled because it has been replaced by a Notification to suppliers in the RFSA Template indicating that the bid solicitation and resulting contract templates would address such specific requirements in the event that the Supply ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFormer Public Servant
    SACC clause S3025T for Former Public Servant is cancelled and replaced by a Notification to suppliers in the RFSA Template indicating that the bid solicitation and resulting contract templates would include such specific requirements as to the successful ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemProactive Disclosure of Contracts with Former Public Servants
    By providing information on its status, with respect to being a former public servant in receipt of a Public Service Superannuation Act (PSSA) pension, the Contractor has agreed that this information will be reported on departmental websites as part of ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFederal Contractors Program- over $25,000 and below $200,000
    Suppliers who are subject to the Federal Contractors Program (FCP) and have been declared ineligible contractors by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) are no longer eligible to receive federal government contracts over the threshold for ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFederal Contractors Program- $200,000 or more
    The Federal Contractors Program (FCP) requires that some suppliers, including a supplier who is a member of a joint venture, bidding for federal government contracts, valued at $200,000 or more (including Applicable Taxes), make a formal commitment to ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFederal Contractors Program- over $25,000 and below $200,000
    Suppliers who are subject to the Federal Contractors Program (FCP) and have been declared ineligible contractors by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) are no longer eligible to receive federal government contracts over the threshold for ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFederal Contractors Program- $200,000 or more
    The Federal Contractors Program (FCP) requires that some suppliers, including a supplier who is a member of a joint venture, bidding for federal government contracts, valued at $200,000 or more (including Applicable Taxes), make a formal commitment to ...

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