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Showing items 6261 through 6270 of 6624 for DI.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemAmmunition Data Cards
    Ammunition Data Cards shall be prepared in accordance with Canadian Forces Specification D-09-002-002/SG-000 or standard MIL-STD-1167 and shall be forwarded both to the consignee and to the following: National Defence Headquarters MGen George R. Pearkes ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemLong Lead Time Item List
    1. The Contractor shall, within_____ days of the effective date of the Contract, provide both to the Contracting Authority and to DND at the address cited below, a Long Lead Time Item List (LLTIL), prepared in accordance with the current issue of Canadian ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemUS Military Specifications and Standards
    The Contractor is responsible for obtaining copies of all US military specifications and standards which may be applicable to this requirement. These specifications and standards are available commercially, or may be obtained directly from the US ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemInterchangeability
    Tenderer proposes to supply parts numbered other than as specified only when a different part number and the name of its manufacturer is given. Tenderer warrants all such parts will be interchangeable with and equivalent to or better than the part ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemWarranty- DND
    In modification of the requirements of section 8 entitled "Warranty" of General Conditions, DSS-MAS 1026A, the Contractor hereby warrants: a) the painting of the underwater portion of the hull for a period of twelve (12) months commencing from the date of ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDisclosure of Pricing
    The Supplier agrees to the disclosure of its prices provided under the Supply Arrangement by Canada, and further agrees that it will have no right to claim against Canada, the client, their employees, agents or servants in relation to such disclosure. Use ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemStandard Instructions and Conditions
    A. INSTRUCTIONS (APPLICABLE TO BID SOLICITATION) 1. Submission of Bids (1) It is the Bidder's responsibility to: (a) return a signed original of the bid solicitation, duly completed, IN THE FORMAT REQUESTED; (b) direct its bid ONLY to the Bid Receiving ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemTermination for Convenience
    1. Cease all work under the Contract in accordance with and to the extent specified in the Notice of Termination. Read carefully the termination clause in your Contract. 2. Immediate steps are to be taken to terminate or reduce any subcontracts or orders ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemJurisdictions HMC Dockyard
    When a Contractor performs work in the CFB Esquimalt Dockyard, that is usually performed by employees of the Ship Repair Group, such work shall normally be performed in accordance with the methods, practices, or work distribution prevailing at the said ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemNotice to Suppliers
    1. Bidder's Responsibility The bidder has the sole responsibility for the timely receipt of a bid by the Department of Supply and Services (DSS). The bidder cannot transfer such responsibility to the government. Bids are to be directed only to the bid ...

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