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Showing items 5871 through 5880 of 6624 for DI.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemInquiries
    All inquiries should be directed to:______ Contracting Officer,______, Supply and Services Canada Place du Portage, Phase III, 10C1 11 Laurier Street Hull, Quebec K1A 0S5 Tel: (819) 956-____ ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemProject Authority
    The Project Authority for the Contract is: Name:_____ Title:_____ Organization:_____ Address:_____ Telephone: ()___-____ Facsimile: ()___-____ E-mail:________________ The Project Authority is the representative of the department or agency for whom the Work ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemProject Authority
    PROJECT AUTHORITY:_____ Attention:_____ (or the authorized representative) Telephone:_____ The Project Authority is responsible for all matters concerning the technical content of the work under this requirement. Any proposed changes to the scope of the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemContracting Authority
    The Contracting Authority for the Contract is: Name:______ Title:______ Public Works and Government Services Canada Acquisitions Branch___________ Directorate Address:________ Telephone: ()___-____ Facsimile: ()___-____ E-mail:____________ The Contracting ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemTechnical Authority
    The Technical Authority for this Contract is: Name:______ Title:______ Department\Agency:______ Address:______ Postal Code:______ Telephone: ()___-____ Facsimile: ()___-____ The Technical Authority is responsible for all matters concerning the technical ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemTechnical Authority
    The Technical Authority for the Contract is: Name:______ Title:______ Organization:______ Address:______ Telephone: ()___-____ Facsimile: ()___-____ E-mail:________________ The Technical Authority named below is the representative of the department or ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemStatus and Availability of Resources
    The Bidder certifies that, should it be awarded a contract as a result of the bid solicitation, every individual proposed in its bid will be available to perform the Work as required by Canada's representatives and at the time specified in the bid ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemOption to Purchase
    In the event that the Department may be interested in purchasing a vehicle, the following shall apply: The Supplier shall provide the following: After_____ months' rental, a discount of_____ percent against rentals already paid shall be applied to the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemHazardous Waste Disposal
    The Contractor agrees to have full responsibility for disposing of the hazardous waste according to the requirements in this Contract or, if no such requirements are set out according to the laws that are applicable, whether federal, provincial or ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemHazardous Waste Disposal
    The Contractor must dispose of any hazardous waste removed or uncovered in the performance of the Work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract and any applicable law. Use the following clause in all contracts where work is performed on ...

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