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Showing items 5861 through 5870 of 6624 for DI.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemRules, Orders and Regulations
    The Carrier shall comply with the provisions of the National Transportation Act, the Aeronautics Act and with all directions, orders, rules and regulations made thereunder which are applicable to the said service. In particular, the Carrier must hold a ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFinancial Proposal
    This section of the proposal shall include a cost summary of the services requested or required. Indicate a firm lot price for the proposed work and for any applicable option(s) with a price breakdown tied to each milestone/deliverable as identified in the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemMaximum Funding
    The funding for this project is limited to $_____(GST extra). Bids valued in excess of this amount will be considered non-responsive. This disclosure of project funds does not commit Canada to pay such an amount. This clause is to be used when budget funds ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemMaximum Funding
    The funding for this project is limited to $_____ (Goods and Services Tax extra or Harmonized Sales Tax extra, as appropriate). Bids valued in excess of this amount will be considered non-responsive. This disclosure of project funds does not commit Canada ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemMaximum Funding
    The maximum funding available for the Contract resulting from the bid solicitation is $_____ (Goods and Services Tax or Harmonized Sales Tax extra, as appropriate). Bids valued in excess of this amount will be considered non-responsive. This disclosure ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemVessel Transfer Costs
    1. The evaluation price shall include the cost for transferring the vessel from its home port to the shipyard/shiprepair facility where the Work will be undertaken and the cost of transferring the vessel to its home port following completion of the Work, ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemVessel Transfer Costs
    1. The evaluation price shall include the cost for transferring the vessel from its home port to the shipyard/ship repair facility where the Work will be executed and the cost of transferring the vessel to its home port following completion of the Work, in ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemMilitary Aviation Replacement Parts- Condition and Certification of Deliverables End Items
    The following categories do not apply to standard and commercial parts. Standard parts consist of common hardware parts and raw materials, not necessarily designed for aviation use, produced to recognized industry or government specifications, which are ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemMilitary Aviation Replacement Parts- Condition and Certification of Deliverables End Items
    The following categories do not apply to standard and commercial parts. Standard parts consist of common hardware parts and raw materials, not necessarily designed for aviation use, produced to recognized industry or government specifications, which are ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemMilitary Aviation Replacement Parts- Substitutes and Traceability
    1. The Part Number(s) and NATO Supply Code(s) for Manufacturers (NSCM(s)), or the Commercial And Government Entity (CAGE) code(s) indicated herein are the only Part Number(s) and NSCM/Cage Code(s) known to Department of National Defence that meet the form, ...

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