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Showing items 5451 through 5460 of 6624 for DI.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemRate Certification- Commercial Services (Canadian-based Bidder)
    The Bidder certifies that the rate proposed: (a) is not in excess of the lowest rate charged anyone else, including the Bidder's most favoured customer, for the like quality and quantity of the service; (b) does not include an element of profit on the sale ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDiscretionary Audit
    1. The following are subject to government audit before or after payment is made: (a) The amount claimed under the conditions of the Contract, as computed in accordance with the Basis of Payment, including time charged and salaries paid for labour charges ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemQuality Assurance Requirements- Submarine Safety
    The Work described in the Contract involves submarine systems or equipment classified as First Level or otherwise critical to submarine safety, as defined in Canadian Forces Technical Order (CFTO) C-23-VIC-000/AM-001, Quality Assurance for Safety in ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemQuality Assurance Authority (DND)- Canadian-based Contractor
    All work is subject to Government Quality Assurance at the Contractor's facility or that of the subcontractor(s) and at the installation site by the: Director of Quality Assurance National Defence Headquarters Major-General George R. Pearkes Building 101 ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemQuality Assurance Authority (DND)- Foreign-based and United States Contractor
    All work is subject to Government Quality Assurance (GQA) at the Contractor's facility or that of the subcontractor(s) and at the installation site by the: Director of Quality Assurance National Defence Headquarters Major-General George R. Pearkes Building ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemOutstanding Work and Acceptance
    1. The Inspection Authority, in conjunction with the Contractor, will prepare a list of outstanding work items towards the end of the vessel Work period. This list will form the annexes to the formal acceptance document for the vessel. A Contract ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemProgress Reports
    1. The Contractor must submit_____ (insert " monthly " or " bi-monthly " or " quarterly ") reports on the progress of the Work in_____ copies to the (insert " Technical " or " Project ") Authority and one copy to the Contracting Authority. 2. The progress ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDraft Final Report
    The Contractor must submit a draft of the final report to the (insert " Technical " or " Project ") Authority for approval on or before_____ (insert date). It must be a comprehensive report on all facets of the Work and must include sufficient drawings, ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemBasis of Payment
    The Contractor will be paid a firm monthly rate, in arrears, as follows, for the preventive and remedial maintenance services (including parts, labour, travel and living) performed during the Principal Period of Maintenance (PPM), FOB Destination. Customs ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemBasis of Payment- Hourly Rates
    The Contractor will be paid as follows for on-site maintenance and related services performed during and outside the Principal Period of Maintenance for the equipment listed in Annex_____. Labour The Contractor will be paid for the actual hours worked at ...

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