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Showing items 4931 through 4940 of 6624 for DI.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemInterim Spares List
    1. The Contractor shall, within_____ days of the effective date of the Contract, provide both to the Contracting Authority and to DND at the address cited below, an Interim Spares List (ISL) prepared in accordance with the current issue of Canadian Forces ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemProvisioning Parts Breakdown
    1. The Contractor shall, within___ days of the effective date of the Contract, provide both to the Contracting Authority and to DND at the address cited below, a Provisioning Parts Breakdown (PPB) prepared in accordance with the current issue of Canadian ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemProvisioning Parts Breakdown
    1. The Contractor shall, within_____ days of the effective date of the Contract, provide both to the Contracting Authority and to DND at the address cited below, a Provisioning Parts Breakdown (PPB) prepared in accordance with the current issue of Canadian ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemRecommanded Spare Parts List
    1. The Contractor shall, within____ days of the effective date of the Contract, provide to the Contracting Authority and to DND address cited below, a Recommended Spare Parts List (RSPL) prepared in accordance with the current issue of Canadian Forces ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemRecommanded Spare Parts List
    1. The Contractor shall, within_____ days of the effective date of the Contract, provide to the Contracting Authority and to DND address cited below, a Recommended Spare Parts List (RSPL) prepared in accordance with the current issue of Canadian Forces ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDesign Change Procedure
    In the event of Design Changes, whether introduced by the Owner or the Contractor, the detailed procedure given below must be followed: Design Changes Originating from the Customer Department: a. The customer department will inform the Department of Supply ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDesign Change Procedure
    In the event of Design Changes, whether introduced by the Owner or the Contractor, the detailed procedure given below must be followed: Design Changes originating from the Technical Authority: 1. The Technical Authority will inform the Contracting ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDesign Change or Additional Work
    In the event of Design Changes, Additional Work or New Work being introduced to the Contract, the procedure given below must be followed: Design Changes, Additional or New Work Originating from the Technical Authority: 1. The Technical Authority will ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDesign Change or Additional Work
    In the event of Design Changes, Additional Work or New Work being introduced to the Contract, the procedure given below must be followed: Design Changes, Additional or New Work Originating from the Technical Authority: 1. The Technical Authority will ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDesign Change or Additional Work
    In the event of Design Changes, Additional Work or New Work being introduced to the Contract, the procedure given below must be followed: Design Changes, Additional or New Work Originating from the Technical Authority: 1. The Technical Authority will ...

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