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Showing items 4381 through 4390 of 6624 for DI.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemOvertime
    The Contractor must not perform any overtime under the Contract unless authorized in advance and in writing by the Contracting Authority. Any request for payment must be accompanied by a copy of the overtime authorization and a report containing the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemClothing- Government-supplied Material
    Government-supplied material (GSM) is the property of the Government of Canada. The Contractor is responsible for maintaining satisfactory records of the disposition of all GSM. The GSM described in the Contract must be used in the manufacture of the item ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSamples- Fabric
    Option 1 Pre-production Samples: The Contractor must provide____ (insert the number of pre-production sample(s) required) pre-production samples two (2) meters in length, full width, accompanied by the sealed sample(s) if applicable, to the Technical ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPre-production Samples- Clothing
    Option 1 Pre-production Samples: The Contractor must provide_______ (insert the number of pre-production samples required) pre-production samples, accompanied by the sealed sample(s) if applicable, to the Technical Authority for acceptance within_____ ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemWelding Certification
    Welding must be performed by a welder certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau and in accordance with the requirements of the following Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards: CSA W47.1-03, Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel___ ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemWelding Certification
    The Contractor must ensure that welding is performed by a welder certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) in accordance with the requirements of the following Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards: CSA W47.1-03, Certification for Companies ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemProvisioning Parts Breakdown
    The Contractor must,______ days after the design of a deliverable is accepted by the Technical Authority, provide to the Procurement Authority a Provisioning Parts Breakdown (PPB) prepared in accordance with the current issue of Canadian Forces ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemInterim Spares List
    The Contractor must, within______ days after contract award, provide to the Procurement Authority an Interim Spares List (ISL) prepared in accordance with the current issue of Canadian Forces Specification D-01-100-214/SF000. The ISL must identify those ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemLong Lead Time Item List
    The Contractor must, within______ days after contract award, provide to the Procurement Authority a Long Lead Time Item List (LLTIL) prepared in accordance with the current issue of Canadian Forces Specification D-01-100-214/SF-000. Any items with a ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemCommercial General Liability Insurance
    The Contractor must obtain Commercial General Liability Insurance, and maintain it in force throughout the duration of the Contract, in an amount usual for a contract of this nature, but for not less than $2,000,000 per accident or occurrence and in the ...

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