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Showing items 3971 through 3980 of 6624 for DI.

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  • GCSupply Manual sectionAnnex: Letter Template for Decision to Apply Conditions as a Vendor Performance Corrective Measure
    (Full or partial terminations for default and conditional amendments trigger the mandatory assessment process at the end of a contract or at the expiry date of a standing offer to determine whether a Vendor Performance Corrective Measure (VPCM) will be ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionAnnex: Letter Template Where No Vendor Performance Corrective Measure Will Be Applied At This Time
    (Full or partial terminations for default and conditional amendments trigger the mandatory assessment process at the end of a contract or at the expiry date of a standing offer to determine whether a Vendor Performance Corrective Measure (VPCM) will be ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionAnnex: Termination for Default
    The decision to terminate a contract for default should be made only after all other possible solutions have been explored. In all cases, the advice of Legal Services must be obtained at an early stage, to ensure that any proposed action will not ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionTermination for Convenience of Canada
    Occasionally, Canada may terminate a contract for convenience in accordance with the termination for convenience provision of the general conditions applicable to the contract. See Annex 8.3: Termination for Convenience Process for a detailed description ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionLoans of Department of National Defence Materiel
    When a contract does not provide for the loan of the Department of National Defence (DND) materiel, the contractor may request such a loan. Such requests should be directed to DND, Director Disposal, Sales, Artifacts and Loans (DND /DDSAL). Returns must ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionDesign Change or Deviation Procedure
    The following is an example of a design change or deviation procedure: When it is necessary to depart, either temporarily or permanently, from the governing technical data in a contract, the technical authority or project authority or the contractor may ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionCompliance and Enforcement with Industrial Security Requirements
    In the case of non-compliance with the security requirements during the life of a contract, the Industrial Security Sector (ISS) has put in place a Policy on Compliance and Enforcement with Industrial Security Requirements (DP 123) that provides Public ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionClaims for Progress Payment and Invoicing
    No payment, other than a progress payment, may be made under a contract unless a person authorized by the appropriate minister certifies that: the work has been performed; the goods have been supplied or the services rendered as the case may be; and the ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionContract Performance
    The management of a contract involves many activities to ensure fulfillment of that contract. Events can sometimes alter or disrupt the performance of a contract. For example, a contractor may default on contractual obligations, disputes may arise about ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionAnnex: Framework for Developing a Sector/Region Vendor Performance Program
    Customized past performance programs should address the following as appropriate and applicable to the circumstances: Scope: Under this section the sectors/regions will define the scope of each customized past performance program as it pertains to the ...

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