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Showing items 3561 through 3570 of 6198 for DI.

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  • GCSupply Manual sectionWarranty
    In a contract for the sale of goods, any affirmation of fact or any promise by the supplier relating to the goods is an express warranty. The warranty provisions in the general conditions do not negate or limit in any way the operation of other relevant ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionContract Financial Security
    When the decision to obtain contract financial security has been taken, the contracting officer must stipulate in the solicitation documents that contract financial security will be required. SACC Manual clause E0007C must be used in conjunction with ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionExhibit B: Proposed Letter- Requesting Information from Outgoing Contractor (no clause)
    Dear_______________ (insert name of contractor), As you are aware, contract___________ (insert contract no.) for the provision of____________ (insert type of building-related services) will expire on____________ (insert date). Pursuant to the laws of the ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionExhibit A: Proposed Letter- Requesting Information from Outgoing Contractor (with a clause)
    Dear_______________ (insert name of contractor), As you are aware, contract___________ (insert contract no.) for the provision of____________ (insert type of building-related services) will expire on____________ (insert date). Pursuant to the clause ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionAnnex: Goods Subject to Excise Tax
    Petroleum Products gasoline: gasoline, aviation, unleaded aviation, and unleaded fuel: diesel and aviation Automobiles automobiles (not including ambulances) in excess of 2,007 kg; station wagons and vans in excess of 2,268 kg air conditioners designed ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionAssistance to Suppliers
    For general information on doing business with the federal government, contracting officers should direct suppliers to Suppliers interested in doing business with the federal government are encouraged to register in the Supplier ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionClient Department Review of Elements of a Solicitation
    For sensitive or high-risk procurements, before issuing the solicitation, the contracting officer must clearly explain to the client department their responsibilities with respect to the solicitation and obtain written confirmation from the client ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionAdvance Payments
    TB guidelines specify that advance payments should be considered only in extraordinary circumstances. Contracts for services: Contracts for services valued over $25,000, some form of guarantee given by a financially strong third party should protect any ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionTypes of Method of Payment
    There are a number of ways payment may be carried out. Payment for the work performed or goods delivered may be made as a single payment, multiple payments or progress payments. Single payment: When a single payment will be made upon completion of all ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionDetermination of the Method of Payment
    The most appropriate method of payment must be determined based on the particular procurement. Some of the factors for consideration are the following: Risk exposure for Canada, if situations such as insolvency, work cancellation or work default occurs. ...

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