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Showing items 2331 through 2340 of 6624 for DI.

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  • GCSupply Manual sectionTransportation Costs Information
    The Incoterms 2000 " FCA Free Carrier (...named place)" must be used in all Department of National Defence (DND) sole source contracts, all repair and overhaul contracts where transportation is not part of the competitive bid, and in all United States (U ...
  • GCPageQ&As related to COVID-19 Call to Suppliers
    Q&As relating to COVID-19 Call to Suppliers We are providing answers to the most frequently asked questions we’ve received regarding the Government of Canada’s call for emergency goods and services in response to COVID-19. If you don’t find the answer ...
  • GCWebformSe désabonner de votre abonnement à l'avis par courriel
    Language English   1 Start 2 Complete Motifs de désabonnement (Facultative) Les options J'ai souscrit par erreur à cet appel d'offres ou résultat de recherche Je n'ai plus besoin de suivre cet appel d'offres ou les résultats de ...
  • GCGSIN Disinfecting and Exterminating
    K106A: Disinfecting and Exterminating
    Procurement Division Code
  • GCGSIN Diving and Salvage Services
    V506A: Diving and Salvage Services
    Procurement Division Code
  • GCPageAbout GSIN Codes
    The federal government uses Goods and Services Identification Number (GSIN) codes to identify generic product descriptions for its procurement activities. Coming in 2020, the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) will replace GSIN ...
  • GCGSIN Aerial Application and Distribution Services
    V204F: Aerial Application and Distribution Services
    Procurement Division Code
  • GCPageAbout Smart Procurement
    The four elements of Public works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) Smart Procurement approach are: Early Engagement, Effective Governance, Independent Advice, and Benefits for Canadians. When put together, the four elements help us achieve our goals ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionClarifications
    To be considered for contract award, a bid must, at closing date meet all mandatory requirements stipulated in the bid solicitation. Bidders are responsible to meet the criteria stipulated in the bid solicitation as well as request clarification before ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionNunavut
    Nunavut Land Claims Agreement (1993): Northern Canada- includes districts of Franklin (central Nunavut), Keewatin (south-central Nunavut, northwest coast of Hudson's Bay area), Baffin Island (southeast portion of Nunavut) and Ellesmere Island (northern ...

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