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Showing items 2561 through 2567 of 2567 for D3.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemPreparation for Delivery- Canadian-based Contractor
    Preservation and packaging for items______ must be in accordance with the Canadian Forces packaging specification D-LM-008-001/SF-001, and must be marked to D-LM-008-002/SF-001. Form Level B Pkg Data Form Reqd must be in accordance with D-LM-008-011/SF ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPackaging Requirement using Specification D-LM-008-036/SF-000
    The Contractor must prepare item number(s)_____ for delivery in accordance with the latest issue of the Canadian Forces Packaging Specification D-LM-008-036/SF-000, DND Minimum Requirements for Manufacturer's Standard Pack. The Contractor must package ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPreparation for Delivery
    The Contractor must prepare item number(s)_____ for delivery in accordance with the latest issue of the Canadian Forces Packaging Specification D-LM-008-036/SF-000, DND Minimum Requirements for Manufacturer's Standard Pack. The Contractor must package ...
  • GCPolicy notificationApproval Process for Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements
    Introduction This Policy Notification (PN) announces improvements to the management of the standing offer and supply arrangement methods of supply and provides direction to all procurement personnel on the new approval process. Over the coming months, a ...
  • GCPolicy notificationDepartmental Plain Language Standard Procurement Documents: Low Dollar Value and Medium Complexity Requirements
    Introduction The purpose of this Policy Notification (PN) is to introduce and implement Departmental Plain Language Standard Procurement templates, including new standard instructions and new general conditions to be used by Public Works and Government ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPreparation for Delivery
    1. For Contractors Located in Canada Preservation and packaging for items______ shall be in accordance with the Canadian Forces packaging specification D-LM-008-001/SF-001, and shall be marked to D-LM-008-002/SF-001. Form Level B "PKG DATA FORM REQD" shall ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDelivery- Preparation
    Preparation for delivery for item number(s)_____ shall be in accordance with the latest issue of the Canadian Forces Packaging Specification D-LM-008-036/SF-000, Department of National Defence's Minimum Requirements for Manufacturer's Standard Pack. Item ...

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