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Showing items 33801 through 33810 of 33851 for AT.

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  • GCSupply Manual sectionUse of Subject Matter Experts/Specialists
    Contracting officers should take advantage of the knowledge of specialists or subject matter experts. They are available to provide guidance in their areas of expertise, whenever it would be helpful and/or appropriate in making a recommendation or ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionTechnical Evaluation of Bids
    The client department is responsible for the technical evaluation of the bids. Following the completion of the technical evaluation, the client department must provide a report to the contracting officer detailing the results of the evaluation, including ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionEvaluation of Technical Mandatory Criteria
    Mandatory criteria are assessed on a simple pass/fail basis. Bids that fail to meet any of the mandatory criteria will be considered non-responsive. The reasons for declaring a bid non-responsive must be clearly documented by the contracting officer in ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionCost Submissions Standards for Cost Reimbursable Contracts
    The contractor will be paid, in accordance with the contract, the cost reasonably and properly incurred in the performance of the work. Upon completion of the work, on all cost reimbursable contracts meeting the cost threshold, the contracting officer ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionDifferences of Opinion or Interpretation
    On occasion, differences of opinion or interpretation may arise between the contracting officer and the auditor regarding the legitimacy of audit findings. The relevant director should resolve these differences of opinion or interpretation in concurrence ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionAdditional Reviews
    The contracting officer is responsible for ensuring that the procurement document(s) receive appropriate review and approval by the proper area or authority. Below are some of the reviewing authorities that must be consulted before or during the approval ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionGo-Ahead Letters
    Go-ahead Letters may be issued after obtaining final approval of the contract submission, provided all appropriate terms and conditions of the proposed contract are known and acceptable to the potential contractor. Go-ahead Letters are subject to the ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionSuspension of the Work- Stop Work Order
    When a client wishes to suspend the work under a contract rather than cancel it, SACC Manual clause J0500C or J0502C should be used. The suspension of the work allows the client to obtain a review of the contract status before deciding the type and extent ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionFinal Payments
    The total time charged under a fixed rate contract should be verified for acceptability and accuracy of recording before the final claim is processed for payment. The findings of such verifications will be noted on the procurement file. The contracting ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionRegistering Notice of Interest in Goods
    In provinces other than Quebec, Canada can register notice of its interest in the goods with a view to protecting itself against the risk of liens. The registration requirements differ for each province. The contracting officer must consult with Legal ...

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