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Showing items 33791 through 33800 of 33851 for AT.

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  • GCSupply Manual sectionReceipt of Quotations
    Written bids (quotations) submitted in response to a Request for Quotations, which are sent directly to the contracting officer, will be declared non-responsive if received after the closing date and time, regardless of the date of mailing. To ensure that ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionModification and Withdrawal of Bids
    Bids/offers/arrangements may normally be modified, withdrawn or resubmitted before the solicitation closing date if it is done in writing. This includes electronically transmitted responses. For quotations directed to the contracting officer only, to ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionSolicitation by Direct Invitation
    Source lists are generally the basis for requesting suppliers to bid/provide an offer or arrangement when a competitive procurement is not publicly advertised. Normally, where source lists are used, other than rotational source lists: Any other supplier ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionSelecting the Successful Bidder
    The successful bidder must be selected in accordance with the methodology specified in the bid solicitation. ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionSurety Bond Forms
    The surety bond forms are: PWGSC- TPSGC  504, Bid Bond; PWGSC- TPSGC  505, Performance Bond; and PWGSC- TPSGC  506, Labour and Material Payment Bond. ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionNo Responsive Bids
    When no responsive bid is received as a result of a competitive bid solicitation, the bid solicitation must be cancelled. For more information on reissuing a solicitation, see 4.100 Cancelling and Reissuing a Solicitation. ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionEvaluation of Technical Rated Criteria
    Only bids that meet the mandatory criteria will be subject to point rating, as applicable. Rated criteria are used to assess various elements of the technical bid so that the relative merits of each bid can be determined. The maximum points that can be ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionEvaluating Joint Venture Bids
    Joint ventures may respond to bid solicitations in accordance with the applicable conditions contained in the solicitation. The relevant section of standard instructions 2003, 2006 and 2008 of the SACC Manual permits joint venture bids and provide further ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionCORCAN
    Although arrangements with CORCAN are not governed by the Government Contracts Regulationsand the Treasury Board Contracts Directive, all existing departmental limits governing the approval of entry into and signing of contracts apply. ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionEvaluation Report
    An evaluation report must be prepared outlining in detail the review of the bids, including any clarifications requested and how the final decision was taken to rank and select the bidders. The evaluation report should include the evaluation criteria, the ...

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