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  • GCPolicy notificationVendor Performance Policy (now the Vendor Performance Corrective Measure Policy)
    Introduction: This replaces Policy Notification PN-11R1 of November 4, 2010 in its entirety. Policy Notification PN-11R2 updates the 1996 version of the Vendor Performance Policy (VPP) and PN-11R1. These policy notifications clarify the purpose and scope ...
  • GCPolicy notificationProcurement Information Form
    This Policy Notification (PN) Update provides: 1. A Quick Reference Guide to determine when a Procurement Information Form (PIF) is required, attached as Annex A; 2. Details of changes that have been introduced to the PIF and related procedures, as ...
  • GCPolicy notificationNon-competitive Contracting
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification (PN) 89 is to update the instructions to Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) contracting officers regarding non-competitive contracting. On September 20, 2007, Treasury Board (TB) promulgated ...
  • GCPolicy notificationThresholds for the WTO-AGP, CKTEA and NAFTA
    Treasury Board Secretariat has provided notice of the amendment of previously established thresholds for the international trade agreements. The new thresholds in Canadian dollars are applicable for two years, from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2005. ...
  • GCPolicy notificationCanada-Korea Procurement of Telecommunications Equipment Agreement (CKTEA)
    The CKTEA is a bilateral agreement between Canada and Korea which covers federal government procurement of telecommunications goods and incidental services (services included in goods contracts). The CKTEA was signed in early July 1999. The Policy ...

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