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Showing items 131 through 140 of 230 for 70.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemSchedule of Milestones
    The schedule of milestones for which payments will be made in accordance with the Contract is as follows: Milestone No. Description or "Deliverable" Firm Amount Due Date or "Delivery Date"___________________________________________________________________ ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemAdvance Payment
    Canada will pay the Contractor in advance for the Work if: an accurate and complete invoice and any other documents required by the Contract have been submitted in accordance with the invoicing instructions provided in the Contract; all such documents ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPriority Rating
    Canada is a participant in the United States Defense Priorities and Allocations System and this defence contract is eligible for a priority rating. The Defence Priorities and Allocations Officer, Public Works and Government Services Canada, must advise ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemTransportation Costs Information
    The Bidder must provide the following information concerning transportation costs for the delivery of the units to destination: shipping weight by unit; number of items by unit; cubic measurement by unit; freight classification; name of shipping point; ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPriority Rating
    Canada is a participant in the United States Defense Priorities and Allocations System and this defence contract is eligible for a priority rating. The Defence Priorities and Allocations Officer, Public Works and Government Services Canada, must advise ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemBasis of Payment- Actual Costs
    The Contractor will be paid its costs reasonably and properly incurred in the performance of the Work, in accordance with Contract Cost Principles 1031-2, as determined by a government audit, plus a profit computed in accordance with Chapter 10, Cost and ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemMarking and Labelling
    The Contractor must clearly mark labels in accordance with the following: Marking: A label must be positioned as described in the technical data. The label and markings must be in accordance with Department of National Defence specification D-80-001-055 ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemBar Coding- Package Marking
    The Contractor must apply, on the package, bar code information for item(s)______, with Application Identifier(s)____, using bar code symbology UCC / EAN-128 (Uniform Code Council/EAN International). Below the bar code symbol, the Contractor must apply ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemBar Coding- Material Marking
    The Contractor must apply bar code information on items_______ (insert the list) with the Permanent System Control Number (PSCN) or NATO Stock Number (NSN) provided elsewhere in the Contract or by the Department of National Defence (DND), using bar code ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemCost Submission
    Upon completion of the Contract or annually for multi-year contracts spanning more than one contractor fiscal year, the Contractor must complete the form PWGSC-TPSGC 7953 (PDF 87KB)- (Help on File Formats), Contractors Cost Submission, and forward three ...

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