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Showing items 21 through 30 of 342 for 48.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral conditions: Research and Development
    01 Interpretation 02 Standard clauses and conditions—contract 03 Powers of Canada 04 Status of the Contractor 05 Conduct of the Work 06 Subcontracts 07 Specifications 08 Condition of material 09 Replacement of specific individuals 10 Time of the essence ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Instructions- Elevator Modernization
    GI01 Integrity provisions—bid GI02 Preparation of bid GI03 Identity or legal capacity of the Bidder GI04 Applicable Taxes GI05 Listing of Subcontractors and Suppliers GI06 Bid security requirements GI07 Submission of bid GI08 Bid opening GI09 Revision of ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Instructions- Elevator Modernization
    GI01 Integrity provisions—bid GI02 Preparation of bid GI03 Identity or legal capacity of the Bidder GI04 Applicable Taxes GI05 Listing of Subcontractors and Suppliers GI06 Bid security requirements GI07 Submission of bid GI08 Bid opening GI09 Revision of ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Instructions- Construction Services- Bid Security Requirements
    GI01 Integrity provisions—bid GI02 Completion of bid GI03 Identity or legal capacity of the Bidder GI04 Applicable Taxes GI05 Capital development and redevelopment charges GI06 Registry and pre-qualification of floating plant GI07 Listing of ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Conditions- Research and Development
    01 Interpretation 02 Standard clauses and conditions—contract 03 Powers of Canada 04 Status of the Contractor 05 Conduct of the Work 06 Subcontracts 07 Specifications 08 Condition of material 09 Replacement of specific individuals 10 Time of the essence ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionOfficial Language Policy Applicable to a Notice of Proposed Procurement
    With the promulgation of PN-48R1- Requirements in respect of the Official Languages Act, this section was removed. For reference purposes only, section is available in the Supply Manual Archive, Version 2021-3. ...
  • GCPolicy notificationRequirements in respect of the Official Languages Act
    Purpose The purpose of Policy Notification (PN)-48R1, is to update the obligations for acquisitions Program (AP) contracting officers in respect of the Official Languages Act (OLA). Effective date PN-48R1 will come into force on May 13, 2022 and replaces ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Conditions- Research and Development
    01 Interpretation 02 Standard clauses and conditions—contract 03 Powers of Canada 04 Status of the Contractor 05 Conduct of the Work 06 Subcontracts 07 Specifications 08 Condition of material 09 Replacement of specific individuals 10 Time of the essence ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionSection A: Division of responsibilities between Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) and Department of National Defence (DND) for the acquisition of goods and services
    This matrix is an assigned division of responsibility, agreed by the Ministers of the Department of National Defence (DND) and Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) 1. It forms the foundation for an efficient and effective partnering ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemQuality assurance authority (Department of National Defence): Canadian-based contractor
    All work is subject to Government Quality Assurance performed at the Contractor's or subcontractor's facility, and at the installation site, by the Director of Quality Assurance, or its designated Quality Assurance Representative (QAR). Director of ...

Procurement data carries an Open Government Licence - Canada that governs its use. Please refer to the section about Commercial Reproduction in the Terms and Conditions for more information.