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Showing items 1 through 9 of 9 for 4510.

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  • GCStanding Offers/Supply Arrangements DAVTECH ANALYTICAL SERVICES (CANADA) INC (CW2243135-ACM_170694703)
    Roadside Oral-fluid Screening (Instruments and Laboratory Equipment). Legacy agreement number: E60PV-18DRUG/003/PV.
    Supplier Operating Name
    DAVTECH Analytical Services (Canada) Inc
    Supplier Legal Name
    DAVTECH Analytical Services (Canada) Inc
    UNSPSC description
    45102000: Composing machines and accessories
    46151600: Security and control equipment
    Agreement number
    End User
    Public Works and Government Services Canada
    Region of delivery
  • GCGSIN Plumbing Fixtures and Accessories
    4510: Plumbing Fixtures and Accessories
    Procurement Division Code
    Not applicable
  • GCGSIN Plumbing Fixtures and Accessories
    4510: Plumbing Fixtures and Accessories
    Procurement Division Code
    Not applicable
  • GCSACC Manual itemAlternate I
    The following replaces paragraph (c) of clause Z0806C. Title. The U.S. Government shall retain title to all Government- furnished property. All Government-furnished property and all property acquired by the Contractor, title to which vests in the U.S. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGovernment-furnished Property
    The U.S. Government shall deliver to the Contractor, at the time and locations stated in this Contract, the Government-furnished property described in the Schedule or specifications. If that property, suitable for its intended use, is not delivered to the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemIdentification/Gov't-furnished Property
    The U.S. Government will furnish to the Contractor the property identified in the Schedule to be incorporated or installed into the Work or used in performing the Contract. The listed property will be furnished FOB railway cars at the place specified in ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGovernment Property- Alternate II
    The following replaces paragraphs (c) and (g) of clause Z0801C. Title to Government property. The U.S. Government shall retain title to all Government- furnished property. All Government-furnished property and all property acquired by the Contractor, ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGovernment Property- Alternate I
    The following replaces paragraph (g) of clause Z0801C. Limited risk of loss. The term " Contractor's managerial personnel ", as used in this paragraph (g), means the Contractor's directors, officers, and any of the Contractor's managers, superintendents, ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGovernment Property- Alternate II
    The following replaces paragraphs (c) and (g) of clause Z0801C. Title to Government property. The U.S. Government shall retain title to all Government- furnished property. All Government-furnished property and all property acquired by the Contractor, ...

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