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Showing items 431 through 440 of 579 for 35.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemCanada Customs and Revenue Agency
    The Contractor/Offeror must comply with the provisions of the Security Requirements for Protection of Sensitive Information Manual (March 1998), issued by Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, Security Directorate. Use this clause when Canada Customs and ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemCanada Customs and Revenue Agency
    The Contractor/Offeror must comply with the provisions of the Security Requirements for Protection of Sensitive Information Manual (March 1998), issued by Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, Security Directorate. Use this clause when Canada Customs and ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPriority Rating
    Canada is a participant in the United States Defense Priorities and Allocations System and this defence contract is eligible for a priority rating. The Defence Priorities and Allocations Officer, Public Works and Government Services Canada, must advise the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPriority Rating- Canadian-based Contractors
    1. The Contract concerns a Canadian defence requirement and therefore is eligible to be assigned a "U.S. Priority Rating" for any materials/services imported from the United States which may be required in the performance of the Work. Accordingly, the ...
    1.0 AUTHORITY On June 8, 1991, the Department of Supply and Services (DSS) published Ministerial Order No. 1 respecting General Terms and Conditions of Contracts in the CANADA GAZETTE, Part 1. This Order, under the authority of the Department of Supply ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSupplies- Firm Price
    1026A 00 (2007-05-25) Supplies- Firm Price Public Works and Government Services Canada 01 Interpretation 02 Powers of Minister 03 Assignment and Subletting 04 Conduct of the Work 05 Specifications, Drawings, etc. 06 Inspection 07 Title and Acceptance 08 ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSupplies- Cost Reimbursement
    1026B 00 (2007-05-25) Supplies- Cost Reimbursement Public Works and Government Services Canada 01 Interpretation 02 Powers of Minister 03 Assignment and Subletting 04 Discounts 05 Conduct of the Work 06 Specifications, Drawings, etc. 07 Inspection 08 ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemConstruction- Fixed Price and Unit Prices
    1034 00 Construction- Fixed Price and 04/92 Unit Prices Supply and Services Canada 01 Interpretation 02 Successors and Assigns 03 Assignment of Contract 04 Subcontracting by Contractor 05 Description of Work All-inclusive 06 No Implied Obligations 07 Time ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemConstruction- Fixed Price and Unit Prices
    1034 00 Construction- Fixed Price and 01/06/94 Unit Prices Supply and Services Canada 01 Interpretation 02 Successors and Assigns 03 Assignment of Contract 04 Subcontracting by Contractor 05 Description of Work All-inclusive 06 No Implied Obligations 07 ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemConstruction- Fixed Price and Unit Prices
    1034 00 (06/06/94) Unit Prices Construction- Fixed Price and Supply and Services Canada 01 Interpretation 02 Successors and Assigns 03 Assignment of Contract 04 Subcontracting by Contractor 05 Description of Work All-inclusive 06 No Implied Obligations 07 ...

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