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Showing items 811 through 820 of 845 for 31.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Conditions- Higher Complexity- Services
    01 Interpretation 02 Standard Clauses and Conditions 03 Powers of Canada 04 Status of the Contractor 05 Conduct of the Work 06 Subcontracts 07 Specifications 08 Replacement of Specific Individuals 09 Time of the Essence 10 Excusable Delay 11 Inspection ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Conditions- Goods (Medium Complexity)
    01 Interpretation 02 Standard Clauses and Conditions 03 Powers of Canada 04 Status of the Contractor 05 Condition of Material 06 Time of the Essence 07 Excusable Delay 08 Inspection and Acceptance of the Work 09 Warranty 10 Invoice Submission 11 Taxes 12 ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDispute Resolution- Rules for Mediation
    Public Works and Government Services Canada RM 01 Interpretation RM 02 Application RM 03 Communications RM 04 Appointment of Project Mediator RM 05 Confidentiality RM 06 Time and Place of Mediation RM 07 Representation RM 08 Procedure RM 09 Settlement ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDispute Resolution- Rules for Arbitration
    Public Works and Government Services Canada RA 1 Interpretation RA 2 Arbitration Tribunal RA 3 Application RA 4 Initiation of Proceedings RA 5 Appointment of Tribunal RA 6 Preliminary Meeting RA 7 Communications RA 8 Representation RA 9 Conduct of ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemTerms of Payment "B"
    Public Works and Government Services Canada TP1 Amount Payable- General TP2 Amounts Payable to the Contractor TP3 Amounts Payable to Her Majesty TP4 Time of Payment TP5 Progress Report and Payment Thereunder Not Binding on Her Majesty TP6 Delay in Making ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Instructions to Tenderers- Minor Works
    GI 1 Tender and Contract Documents GI 2 Enquiries During the Tender Period GI 3 Approval of Alternative Materials GI 4 Language of the Tender and Contract Documents GI 5 Completion and Submission of Tender GI 6 Signing Procedures and Identity or Legal ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemCanadian Content Definition
    1. Canadian good: A good wholly manufactured or originating in Canada is considered a Canadian good. A product containing imported components may also be considered Canadian for the purpose of this policy when it has undergone sufficient change in Canada, ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemAircraft Charter
    1. The Contractor shall not provide a domestic aircraft charter service or an international aircraft charter service to Canada unless, for every incident related to the Contractor's operation of that service, it has: (a) liability insurance covering risks ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPrice Change, Notification of
    1. The supplier shall provide Supply and Services Canada with a written notification allowing thirty (30) days' notice of the effective date of such a price change. The telex and/or the written notice shall refer to the Department of Supply and Services ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemJBNQA- Notification
    The benefits that apply to this procurement are contained in: Section 1, James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA), clauses: 4.3 The List of Inuit Firms shall be used by Canada for purposes of requesting Inuit firms to participate in solicited ...

Procurement data carries an Open Government Licence - Canada that governs its use. Please refer to the section about Commercial Reproduction in the Terms and Conditions for more information.