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Showing items 771 through 780 of 845 for 31.

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  • GCPolicy notificationContract Approval and Signing Authority Limits- Revised
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification (PN) 87 is to revise the common service acquisition authorities, associated conditions and related procedures in the Supply Manual. On April 17, 2009, the Minister approved a new departmental Delegation of ...
  • GCPolicy notificationTask Authorization Contracts
    Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) employs a variety of approaches to meet procurement requirements. This spectrum 1 ranges from specific contracts which precisely define the deliverables to be provided to a specific client by a specific ...
  • GCPolicy notificationInsurance Clauses- Update to Section 5-G of SACC Manual
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification (PN) 88 is to update contracting officers on changes to the Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) insurance clauses contained in the Standard Acquisitions Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual, ...
  • GCPolicy notificationReview Process for Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements
    This replaces the original Policy Notification (PN)-72 of December 13, 2005, in its entirety. This notification provides new direction to all procurement personnel on a new process for the creation, the renewal, and the extension of standing offers (SOs) ...
  • GCPolicy notificationApproval Process for Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements
    Introduction This Policy Notification (PN) announces improvements to the management of the standing offer and supply arrangement methods of supply and provides direction to all procurement personnel on the new approval process. Over the coming months, a ...
  • GCPolicy notificationDepartmental Plain Language Standard Procurement Documents: Low Dollar Value and Medium Complexity Requirements
    Introduction The purpose of this Policy Notification (PN) is to introduce and implement Departmental Plain Language Standard Procurement templates, including new standard instructions and new general conditions to be used by Public Works and Government ...
  • GCPolicy notificationMERX- New Version / Government Electronic Tendering Service (GETS)
    Introduction A new version of MERX will launch on Monday May 31, 2004. MERX is the trade mark under which Mediagrif Interactive Technologies Inc. is operating the Government Electronic Tendering Service (GETS). The new MERX remains the window through ...
  • GCPolicy notificationExtending the Bid Validity Period
    Purpose The purpose of PN-66 is to revise the policy and guidelines on extending the bid validity period and to incorporate additional terms to the standard instructions and conditions (9403 series) to inform bidders in the original solicitation of Canada ...
  • GCPolicy notificationDepartmental Plain Language Standard Procurement Documents: Standing Offers- Goods or Services
    Introduction The purpose of this Policy Notification (PN) is to introduce and implement Departmental Plain Language Standard Procurement documents for use by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) contracting officers to put in place standing ...
  • GCPolicy notificationThresholds for the WTO-AGP, CKTEA and NAFTA
    Treasury Board Secretariat has provided notice of the amendment of previously established thresholds for the international trade agreements. The new thresholds in Canadian dollars are applicable for two years, from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2005. ...

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