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  • GCSupply Manual sectionAnnex: Non-competitive requirements of non-commercial goods and/or services
    For non-competitive requirements of non-commercial goods and/or services valued at $50,000 or less, a fair price may be negotiated in accordance with the guidelines for commercial goods and/or services given above, provided the data required to follow ...
  • GCNewsWebsite service advisory: 2023-05-31
    May 31, 2023- Ottawa- Maintenance to the website will begin at 20:00 ET Wednesday, May 31, 2023. During this maintenance window, there may be interruptions to the website. The site will be fully operational at 7:00 ET ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionAnnex: Non-competitive requirements of commercial goods and/or services
    The contracting officer must negotiate a fair price on the basis of at least one of the following criteria: recent prices paid; latest published price lists or catalogues; prices paid by others, such as other governments, Crown corporations, hospitals, ...
  • GCPageVisualization and Use of OCDS Pilot Data
    Data visualization is a term used to describe any technology that lets end users understand information through a visual representation of the data. A simple example of data visualization would be the creation of a chart or graph from the data extracted ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionEstablishing the cost base
    The first step in building a negotiated contract price is the establishment of a cost base. In cost-based pricing, the price of the contract is based on the acceptability of costs incurred, cost estimates, or a combination thereof with a profit margin ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionCost and profit: General information
    Contracting officers should refer to the Practitioner’s Guide for Procurement Pricing, Section 5 Pricing Principles for more information and guidance on contract pricing, including cost and profit principles. When a contract must be awarded on a non ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionCost and Profit
    Pricing is a fundamental enabler to the achievement of best possible value in a procurement. Effective pricing begins with the development of a pricing strategy that closely aligns with the overall procurement strategy to ensure pricing decisions are in ...
  • GCPolicy notificationCost and profit
    Purpose The purpose of Policy Notification (PN)-156 is to inform Public Works and Government Services Canada, Acquisitions Program (AP) contracting officers of updates to the Supply Manual (SM) to align with current guidance in the Practitioner’s Guide ...
  • GCOpen Data PageDownload SOSA Data
    Introduction Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements (SOSA) is open data about active standing offers and supply arrangements for goods and/or services held by pre-qualified suppliers. Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) issues standing ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionAnnex: Requisition review
    Has the requisition been properly directed or allocated to the appropriate office? Has the current version of the requisition form been used? (If the previous version is used, then the proper security certification must be included.) Is the requisition ...

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