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Showing items 1 through 5 of 5 for 3100.

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  • GCTable of contentsSupply Manual
    The Supply Manual- Version 2023-2, effective date 2023-06-08, contains policies and procedures, as well as references to acts and directives, for the procurement of goods, services and construction. It is intended primarily for the use of Public Works and ...
    3100: BEARING
    Procurement Division Code
    Not applicable
    3100: BEARING
    Procurement Division Code
    Not applicable
  • GCPolicy notificationVendor Performance Policy (now the Vendor Performance Corrective Measure Policy)
    Introduction: This replaces Policy Notification PN-11R1 of November 4, 2010 in its entirety. Policy Notification PN-11R2 updates the 1996 version of the Vendor Performance Policy (VPP) and PN-11R1. These policy notifications clarify the purpose and scope ...
  • GCPolicy notificationVendor Performance Policy
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification PN-11R1 is to update the Vendor Performance Policy (VPP) issued in 1996. PWGSC has clarified the purpose of the VPP, which is to mitigate risks for future contracts, and has further standardized the ...

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