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Showing items 281 through 290 of 1346 for 30.

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  • GCPolicy notificationComprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
    Purpose The purpose of this Policy Notification (PN) is to inform PWGSC Acquisitions Program (AP) contracting officers of the implementation of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). Effective date This policy ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemCanadian Customs Documentation
    General The Contractor must provide two (2) copies of the Canada Customs Invoice (CCI) or two (2) copies of the commercial invoice marked "For Customs Purposes Only". For shipments from the United States and Mexico that are of American, Mexican or ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemStandard Instructions- Request for Supply Arrangements- Goods or Services
    General information 01 Integrity provisions—arrangement 02 Procurement Business Number 03 Standard instructions, clauses and conditions 04 Definition of Supplier 05 Submission of arrangements 06 Late arrangements 07 Delayed arrangements 08 Transmission by ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemStandard Instructions- Request for Standing Offers- Goods or Services- Competitive Requirements
    General information 01 Integrity Provisions—offer 02 Procurement Business Number 03 Standard instructions, clauses and conditions 04 Definition of Offeror 05 Submission of offers 06 Late offers 07 Delayed offers 08 Transmission by facsimile or by epost ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemStandard Instructions- Goods or Services- Competitive Requirements
    01 Integrity provisions—bid 02 Procurement Business Number 03 Standard instructions, clauses and conditions 04 Definition of Bidder 05 Submission of bids 06 Late bids 07 Delayed bids 08 Transmission by facsimile or by epost Connect 09 Customs clearance 10 ...
  • GCNews Website service advisory: 2019-04-30
    April 30, 2019- Ottawa- Maintenance to the website will begin at 20:00 ET Tuesday, April 30, 2019. During this maintenance window, there may be interruptions to the website. The site will be fully operational at 7:00 ET ...
  • GCNewsWebsite service advisory: 2019-02-20- Security update to
    February 20, 2019- Gatineau- Urgent site maintenance is being performed on today, between 1pm and 5pm. During this maintenance, visitors to may experience multiple site outages throughout the day. We will provide an ...
  • GCNews Website service advisory: 2019-01-30
    January 30, 2019 – Gatineau- The website is currently experiencing an intermittent service interruption for users who try to access the website from outside of the Government of Canada network. At this time,, the Tender ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemShip Repairs
    01 Interpretation 02 Contractor to Provide Plant, etc. 03 Quality and Workmanship 04 Inspector Final Judge of Work, Materials, etc. 05 Re-execution of Inferior Work 06 Removed Parts, etc., Remain Canada Property 07 Wharfage and Dockage Fees and ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemVuntut Gwitchin First Nation Final Agreement- Trails
    The benefits that apply to this procurement are contained in: Section 5.4, Vuntut Gwich'in First Nation Final Agreement (VGFA), Chapter 10, Schedule A, clauses: 9.6 The Canadian Parks Service shall provide timely written notice to the Vuntut Gwitchin ...

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