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Showing items 41 through 47 of 47 for 3000.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemGC 1- General Provisions
    R2210D GC 1- General Provisions GC 1.1 Definition "Canada" means Her Majesty, the Queen in right of Canada; "Claimant" means a person to whom money may be payable and who has a direct contract with the Contractor or any sub-contractor of the Contractor ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemAircraft Charter
    1. The Contractor shall not provide a domestic aircraft charter service or an international aircraft charter service to Canada unless, for every incident related to the Contractor's operation of that service, it has: (a) liability insurance covering risks ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Conditions- Minor Works
    Public Works and Government Services Canada GC 01 Definition of Terms GC 02 Assignment and Subcontracting GC 03 Members of House of Commons and Former Public Office Holders GC 04 Indemnification GC 05 Property of Her Majesty GC 06 Applicable Laws GC 07 ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemTender and Acceptance Form
    TA 1 Project Identification, Facility Security Requirements and Site Visit TA 2 Offer TA 3 Addenda TA 4 General Agreement TA 5 Lump Sum TA 6 Unit Price Table TA 1 Project Identification, Facility Security Requirements and Site Visit 1. Project ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemInsurance Requirements
    1. The Contractor shall not operate a domestic service or an international service unless, for every incident related to the operation of that service, it has; a) liability insurance covering risks of injury to or death of passengers in an amount that is ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPrinting Requirements
    The following with an "X" shall apply: () PROOFS: Proofs must be approved, prior to printing, by: () the consignee () () DELIVERY: () a. The following delivery schedule is applicable:_____ working days from receipt of_____ to delivery of_____; working days ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemTenders/Quotations by Telex
    Tenders/Quotations by telegram, telex or facsimile (Rapicom 3000) will be considered provided they are received before the closing time and contain the tender/quotation number and all essential pricing, sales tax, duty, FOB point, etc. Our telex number is_ ...

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