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  • GCSACC Manual itemAircraft Charter Insurance
    1. The Contractor must not provide a domestic or international aircraft charter service to Canada unless, for every incident related to the Contractor's operation of that service, it has: (a) liability insurance covering risks of injury to or death of ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemHardware Purchase, Lease and Maintenance
    Public Works and Government Services Canada Part I- Conditions Common to Hardware Transactions 01 Interpretation 02 Hardware Must be New Part II- Conditions Common to Lease and Purchase 03 Delivery 04 Special Site Delivery or Installation Preparation ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemHardware Purchase, Lease and Maintenance
    Public Works and Government Services Canada Part I- Conditions Common to Hardware Transactions 01 Interpretation 02 Hardware Must be New Part II- Conditions Common to Lease and Purchase 03 Delivery 04 Special Site Delivery or Installation Preparation ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemHardware Purchase, Lease and Maintenance
    Public Works and Government Services Canada Part I- Conditions Common to Hardware Transactions 01 Interpretation 02 Hardware Must be New Part II- Conditions Common to Lease and Purchase 03 Delivery 04 Special Site Delivery or Installation Preparation ...
  • GCPolicy notificationCanadian Content Policy- Rules of Origin
    1. The Supply Manual (procedures 5.072 and 7.366 and Annex 5.5) and the Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions Manual (clause K4000D) have been revised to show a change to the Rules of Origin as applied under the Canadian Content Policy. The NAFTA ...
  • GCPolicy notificationGuidelines for Acquiring Photocopiers and Electronic Duplicators
    1. Effective March 7, 1995 printing and related services previously obtained from the Canada Communication Group (CCG) may be purchased from Canada Communication Group Inc. Goupe Communication Canada Inc. (CCG Inc.- GCC Inc.) a private sector company. 2. ...
  • GCPolicy notificationUse of Construction and Architectural and Engineering (A&E) Services Contracting Authorities
    This update replaces the original Policy Notification 43 of August 17, 1999. It contains: background; approach; implementation; a definition of coverage; delegated contracting authorities; and, a statement of client responsibilities. Background This ...
  • GCPolicy notificationInsurance Clauses- Update to Section 5-G of SACC Manual
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification (PN) 88 is to update contracting officers on changes to the Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) insurance clauses contained in the Standard Acquisitions Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual, ...
  • GCPolicy notificationRevised Contract Entry and Amendment Authorities
    On July 2, the Minister approved a new Departmental Delegation of Authority framework. The new delegation reflects significant changes in contract and contract amendment authorities which will be effective July 17, 1998. This Policy Notification details ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Instructions to Tenderers- Minor Works
    GI 1 Tender and Contract Documents GI 2 Enquiries During the Tender Period GI 3 Approval of Alternative Materials GI 4 Language of the Tender and Contract Documents GI 5 Completion and Submission of Tender GI 6 Signing Procedures and Identity or Legal ...

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