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Showing items 121 through 130 of 434 for 2000.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemFederal Contractors Program- over $25,000 and below $200,000
    Clause M2002T is cancelled because it has been replaced by a Mandatory Certification, see Part 5- Certifications, Part 7- Standing Offer and Resulting Contract Clauses and a new Annex titled Federal Contractors Program for Employment Equity- Certification ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFederal Contractors Program- $200,000 or more
    Clause M2000T is cancelled because it has been replaced by a Mandatory Certification, see Part 5- Certifications, Part 7- Standing Offer and Resulting Contract Clauses and a new Annex titled Federal Contractors Program for Employment Equity- Certification ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFederal Contractors Program- $200,000 or more
    Clause S3030T is cancelled because it has been replaced by a Notification to suppliers in the RFSA Template indicating that the bid solicitation and resulting contract templates would address such specific requirements in the event that the Supply ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFederal Contractors Program- over $25,000 and below $200,000
    Clause S3031T is cancelled because it has been replaced by a Notification to suppliers in the RFSA Template indicating that the bid solicitation and resulting contract templates would address such specific requirements in the event that the Supply ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFederal Contractors Program- $200,000 or more
    SACC Clause A3030T is cancelled because it has been replaced by a Mandatory Certification, see Part 5- Certifications of the Higher Complexity and Medium Complexity Templates and Part 1 of the Low Dollar Value (Simple) Template with a new Annex titled ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemLabour Conditions
    LAB-180 (2004-12-10) Labour Conditions- Fair Wages and Hours of Labour 01 Interpretation 02 General Fair Wage Clause 03 Hours of Work 04 Labour Conditions to be Posted 05 The Contractor to Keep Records which are to be Kept Open for Inspection 06 ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemAutomobile Liability Insurance
    The Contractor must obtain Automobile Liability Insurance, and maintain it in force throughout the duration of the Contract, in an amount usual for a contract of this nature, but for not less than $2,000,000 per accident or occurrence. The policy must ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Instructions to Bidders
    GI01 Code of Conduct and Certifications- Bid GI02 Preparation of Bid GI03 Identity or Legal Capacity of the Bidder GI04 Applicable Taxes GI05 Listing of Subcontractors and Suppliers GI06 Bid Security Requirements GI07 Submission of Bid GI08 Bid Opening ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Instructions to Bidders
    GI01 Code of Conduct and Certifications- Bid GI02 Completion of Bid GI03 Identity or Legal Capacity of the Bidder GI04 Applicable Taxes GI05 Capital Development and Redevelopment Charges GI06 Registry and Pre-qualification of Floating Plant GI07 Listing ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFederal Contractors Program- over $25,000 and below $200,000
    Suppliers who are subject to the Federal Contractors Program (FCP) and have been declared ineligible contractors by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) are no longer eligible to receive federal government contracts over the threshold for ...

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