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Showing items 721 through 730 of 1727 for 16.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemStandard Instructions- Goods or Services- Non-competitive Requirements
    01 Integrity provisions—bid 02 Procurement Business Number 03 Standard instructions, clauses and conditions 04 Definition of Bidder 05 Submission of a bid 06 Legal capacity 07 Rejection of bid 08 Price justification 09 Bid costs 10 Joint venture 11 ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemStandard Instructions- Request for Standing Offers- Goods or Services- Competitive Requirements
    General information 01 Integrity Provisions—offer 02 Procurement Business Number 03 Standard instructions, clauses and conditions 04 Definition of Offeror 05 Submission of offers 06 Late offers 07 Delayed offers 08 Transmission by facsimile or by epost ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemStandard Instructions- Request for Supply Arrangements- Goods or Services
    General information 01 Integrity provisions—arrangement 02 Procurement Business Number 03 Standard instructions, clauses and conditions 04 Definition of Supplier 05 Submission of arrangements 06 Late arrangements 07 Delayed arrangements 08 Transmission by ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemStandard Instructions- Goods or Services- Competitive Requirements
    01 Integrity provisions—bid 02 Procurement Business Number 03 Standard instructions, clauses and conditions 04 Definition of Bidder 05 Submission of bids 06 Late bids 07 Delayed bids 08 Transmission by facsimile or by epost Connect 09 Customs clearance 10 ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemUsing the SACC Manual
    Table of Contents How to use SACC Clauses Reference clauses Full text clauses Copy and paste into a Word document How the SACC Manual is organized Section 1- Standard Instructions Section 2- Templates Section 3 and 4- General Conditions and Supplemental ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemUsing the SACC Manual
    Table of Contents How to use SACC Clauses Reference clauses Full text clauses Copy and paste into a Word document How the SACC Manual is organized Section 1- Standard Instructions Section 2- Templates Section 3 and 4- General Conditions and Supplemental ...
  • GCStanding Offers/Supply Arrangements MARSH CANADA LTD/ MARSH CANADA LIMITEE (EN578-162394/005/ZL)
    NMSO - INSURANCE BROKER SERVICES (Financial and Related Services)
    Supplier Operating Name
    Supplier Legal Name
    GSIN description
    L004C: Insurance Services
    Agreement number
    End User
    Public Works and Government Services Canada
    Region of delivery
  • GCPageSpecifications for COVID-19 Products
    Table of Contents In support of the Government of Canada’s response to Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), we are providing the specifications for the various types of products below: Disposable single use respirators Disposable surgical masks Nitrile gloves ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionTexts of the national security exceptions
    The relevant text for each trade agreement can be found as follows: for CETA, Article 19.3: Security and general exceptions in Chapter 19; for WTO-AGP, Article III: Security and General Exceptions; for CPTPP, Article 29.2: Security Exceptions in Chapter ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral condition (GC) 1: General provisions – Construction services
    GC1.1 Interpretation GC1.1.1 Headings and references C1.1.2 Terminology GC1.1.3 Application of certain provisions GC1.1.4 Substantial performance GC1.1.5 Completion GC1.2 Contract documents GC1.2.1 General GC1.2.2 Order of precedence GC1.2.3 Security and ...

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