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Showing items 2211 through 2220 of 2261 for 15.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemMethod of Payment
    1. Payment by Canada for the Work shall be made in accordance with the Basis of Payment specified herein: (a) within thirty (30) days following the date on which the Work has been performed; or (b) within thirty (30) days following the date on which an ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemRate Assessment
    1. Rates quoted are to be ceiling hourly rates for the period of the standing offer, subject to downward adjustment only at the time of negotiation of amendments to increase the financial limitation of the standing offer. 2. The following 16 items ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPrice Change, Notification of
    1. The Offeror shall provide Supply and Services Canada with a written notification allowing thirty (30) days' notice of the effective date of such a price change. The telex and/or the written notice shall refer to the Department of Supply and Services ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPetroleum Products, Supply of
    As shown_____. BASIS OF PAYMENT: The posted prices per litre are subject to upward or downward adjustment to reflect any monetary change in the posted prices on the date of delivery. The Offerer shall give written notice to this Department within fifteen ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemIntellectual Property Rights
    (1) Ownership of all Technical Documentation and Prototypes produced by the Contractor in the performance of the Work under the Contract shall, at the time of such production, vest and remain in Her Majesty, and the Contractor shall account fully to the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemInterest on Overdue Accounts
    1. Where applicable, the General Conditions are amended by deleting the section entitled "Interest on Overdue Accounts" or "Payment", whichever forms part of the Contract. 2. For the purposes of this clause: " Average Rate " means the simple arithmetic ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPayment Period
    1. Canada's standard payment period is thirty (30) days. The payment period is measured from the date an invoice in acceptable form and content is received in accordance with the Contract or the date the Work is delivered in acceptable condition as ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemInsurance Requirements
    The Carrier shall obtain and keep in force, during the term of the Contract and any renewal thereof, not less than the minimum insurance coverage as set forth in the Air Transportation Regulations Sections 6, 7 and 8. Such insurance is to be effected in ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemProof of Coverage
    Immediately upon notification of award of contract, the selected Contractor will provide the Crown with a certificate of insurance from the insurer, stating that the required insurance is in effect, that the Crown has been named as an additional insured ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemInsurance Requirements
    The Contractor shall, at its own expense, provide and maintain during the full term of the Contract the following insurances as applicable: (a) Comprehensive General Liability: The limit of liability shall be for Bodily Injury and Property Damage and NOT ...

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