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Showing items 271 through 280 of 1641 for 11.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemMandatory site visit
    Option 1 (Use this option when security requirements are associated with the site visit) It is mandatory that the Bidder or a representative of the Bidder visit the work site. Arrangements have been made for the site visit to be held at__________ (insert ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemOptional Site Visit
    Option 1 It is recommended that the Bidder or a representative of the Bidder visit the work site. Arrangements have been made for the site visit to be held at_______ (insert address) on_______ (insert date [for e.g. 17 March 2014]). The site visit will ...
  • GCNewsWebsite service advisory: 2021-11-30
    November 30, 2021- Ottawa- Maintenance to the website will begin at 20:00 EDT Tuesday, November 30, 2021. During this maintenance window, there may be interruptions to the website. The site will be fully operational at 7 ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionDivision of responsibilities between PWGSC and client departments
    The matrix at Annex 1.1: Matrix of Responsibilities between PWGSC and Client Departments for the Procurement of Goods and Services (Generic) provides a generic division of anticipated types of responsibilities between PWGSC and client departments. It ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionExisting procurement instruments
    Before determining a new method of supply for the requirement, the contracting officer should first ensure that the good or service is not already available from an existing procurement instrument. Clients should be encouraged to use mandatory or non ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral condition (GC) 1: General provisions – Construction services
    GC1.1 Interpretation GC1.1.1 Headings and references C1.1.2 Terminology GC1.1.3 Application of certain provisions GC1.1.4 Substantial performance GC1.1.5 Completion GC1.2 Contract documents GC1.2.1 General GC1.2.2 Order of precedence GC1.2.3 Security and ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral condition (GC) 1: General provisions – Architectural and/or engineering services
    GC1.1 Definitions GC1.2 Interpretations GC1.3 Not applicable GC1.4 Assignment GC1.5 National or departmental security GC1.6 Conflict of Interest and Values and Ethics Codes for the Public Service GC1.7 Status of Consultant GC1.8 Entire agreement GC1.9 ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Conditions- Research and Development
    01 Interpretation 02 Standard clauses and conditions—contract 03 Powers of Canada 04 Status of the Contractor 05 Conduct of the Work 06 Subcontracts 07 Specifications 08 Condition of material 09 Replacement of specific individuals 10 Time of the essence ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Conditions- Higher Complexity- Services
    01 Interpretation 02 Standard clauses and conditions 03 Powers of Canada 04 Status of the Contractor 05 Conduct of the Work 06 Subcontracts 07 Specifications 08 Replacement of specific individuals 09 Time of the essence 10 Excusable delay 11 Inspection ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Conditions- Higher Complexity- Goods
    01 Interpretation 02 Standard clauses and conditions 03 Powers of Canada 04 Status of the Contractor 05 Conduct of the Work 06 Subcontracts 07 Specifications 08 Condition of material 09 Replacement of specific individuals 10 Time of the essence 11 ...

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