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Showing items 1091 through 1100 of 1643 for 11.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemTermination for Convenience (Partial)
    This Notice confirms the Minister's Notice of Termination to you dated_____, in respect only of Item_____ (part number, Federal Stock Number, description, quantity) of the above-referenced Contract. The termination became effective on the date of receipt ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemTermination for Convenience
    This Notice confirms the Minister's Notice of Termination to you dated_____ in respect of the above-referenced Contract. The termination became effective on the date of receipt by you of the said Notice of Termination and it is subject to section____ (" ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemTermination for Convenience
    This Notice confirms the Minister's Notice of Termination to you dated_____ in respect of the above-referenced Contract. The termination became effective on the date of receipt by you of the said Notice of Termination and it is subject to section____ (" ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Conditions, DSS-MAS 9224
    General Conditions- Research and Development, DSS-MAS 9224, with the following modifications, shall apply to and form part of this Contract. 1) Section 1, subsection (1) is amended by deleting the words "the Government" in paragraph (h) and replacing them ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemEmployment Equity
    1. The Federal Contractors Program for Employment Equity (FCP EE) requires that Canadian organizations bidding for federal government contracts, $200,000.00 and over, make a formal commitment to implement employment equity, as a pre-condition to the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFederal Contractors Program for Employment Equity
    1. The Federal Contractors Program for Employment Equity (FCP EE) requires that Canadian organizations bidding for federal government contracts, $200,000 and over, make a formal commitment to implement employment equity, as a pre-condition to the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFederal Contractors Program for Employment Equity- $200,000 or more
    1. The Federal Contractors Program for Employment Equity (FCP-EE) requires that some organizations bidding for federal government contracts, valued at $200,000 or more (including all applicable taxes), make a formal commitment to implement employment ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFederal Contractors Program for Employment Equity- $200,000 or more
    1. The Federal Contractors Program for Employment Equity (FCP-EE) requires that some organizations bidding for federal government contracts, valued at $200,000 or more (including all applicable taxes), make a formal commitment to implement employment ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFederal Contractors Program for Employment Equity- $200,000 or more
    1. The Federal Contractors Program for Employment Equity (FCP-EE) requires that some organizations bidding for federal government contracts, valued at $200,000 or more (including all applicable taxes), make a formal commitment to implement employment ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemIntellectual Property Rights
    (1) In the Contract (a) "Background Intellectual Property" means all Technical Information that is not Foreground Intellectual Property and that is proprietary to the Contractor, its subcontractors or any other supplier of the Contractor; (b) "Foreground ...

Procurement data carries an Open Government Licence - Canada that governs its use. Please refer to the section about Commercial Reproduction in the Terms and Conditions for more information.