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Showing items 31 through 33 of 33 for 1110.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemGC8- Dispute Resolution
    GC8.1 Interpretation GC8.2 Consultation and Co-operation GC8.3 Notice of Dispute GC8.4 Negotiation GC8.5 Mediation GC8.6 Binding Arbitration GC8.7 Disputes not Subject to Arbitration GC8.8 Confidentiality GC8.9 Settlement GC8.10 Rules for Mediation of ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDocumentation- FOB Panalpina Inc.
    Dangerous Goods: 1. The nature, quantity and United Nations number of any dangerous good are to be included with each dangerous good, in accordance with the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code and the latest International Air Transport Association ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Conditions "C"
    Public Works and Government Services Canada GC 1 Interpretation GC 2 Successors and Assigns GC 3 Assignment of Contract GC 4 Subcontracting by Contractor GC 5 Amendments GC 6 No Implied Obligations GC 7 Time of the Essence GC 8 Indemnification by ...

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