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Showing items 1 through 7 of 7 for 1070.

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  • GCTable of contentsSupply Manual
    The Supply Manual- Version 2023-2, effective date 2023-06-08, contains policies and procedures, as well as references to acts and directives, for the procurement of goods, services and construction. It is intended primarily for the use of Public Works and ...
  • GCContent pageSupply Manual Synopsis Archive
    This section contains previous Supply Manual synopses. The synopses are summaries of the changes to each version of the Supply Manual that took effect on their release date. Many of the changes were made through Policy Notifications. Each synopsis is ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionAnnex: Refunds of excess profits earned on Public Works and Government Services Canada contracts
    All indications from any source of unreasonably high profits realized from any contract placed pursuant to the Defence Production Act, or from any contract other than competitive firm price awarded pursuant to the Department of Public Works and Government ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionFinancial claims by Canada
    There are two general categories of claims by Canada as a result of contracting activities: overpayments or overclaims, as may occur when reported as a result of audit, and legal disputes, for example, termination for default, bankruptcy (only when the ...
  • GCGSIN Nets and Booms, Ordnance
    1070: Nets and Booms, Ordnance
    Procurement Division Code
    Not applicable
  • GCSupply Manual sectionReceipt and Deposit of Monies
    When contracting officers receive monies directly from contractors with respect to a particular claim by Canada, these monies must be sent, in compliance with TB Contracting Instrument " ARCHIVED- Policy on Deposits ", to the departmental accounting unit, ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionCost Audit
    The selection of cost reimbursable contracts for audit will be made by the contracting officer after consultation with the Cost and Profit Assurance Group (CPAG) within the Policy, Risk, Integrity and Strategic Management Sector, in accordance with the ...

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