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  • GCGSIN Generator Set, Diesel Engine - 1000 KW and Over (Special Design) Marine
    N6115BD: Generator Set, Diesel Engine - 1000 KW and Over (Special Design) Marine
    Procurement Division Code
    Not applicable
  • GCGSIN Map Production: Photogrammetric Mapping and Revision Medium Scale Above 1:10,000
    T016CD: Map Production: Photogrammetric Mapping and Revision Medium Scale Above 1:10,000
    Procurement Division Code
    Not applicable
  • GCPolicy notificationConsidering the Acquisition Card as a Call-up Instrument under Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements
    Purpose The purpose of Policy Notification (PN) 121 is to encourage the use of acquisition cards (Visa, MasterCard) as another option to procure goods and services under standing offers and supply arrangements (SO/SAs). The acquisition cards can be used ...
  • GCPolicy notificationReplacement of the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) and entry into force of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA)
    Purpose The purpose of Policy Notification PN-125 is to inform all PWGSC Acquisitions Program (AP) employees and contracting officers of the replacement of the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) with the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA), and its effect ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Instructions- Construction Services- Bid Security Requirements
    GI01 Integrity provisions—bid GI02 Completion of bid GI03 Identity or legal capacity of the Bidder GI04 Applicable Taxes GI05 Capital development and redevelopment charges GI06 Registry and pre-qualification of floating plant GI07 Listing of ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Instructions- Construction Services
    GI01 Integrity Provisions- Bid GI02 Completion of Bid GI03 Identity or Legal Capacity of the Bidder GI04 Applicable Taxes GI05 Capital Development and Redevelopment Charges GI06 Listing of Subcontractors and Suppliers GI07 Submission of Bid GI08 Revision ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Instructions- Construction Services- Bid Security Requirements
    GI01 Integrity Provisions- Bid GI02 Completion of Bid GI03 Identity or Legal Capacity of the Bidder GI04 Applicable Taxes GI05 Capital Development and Redevelopment Charges GI06 Registry and Pre-qualification of Floating Plant GI07 Listing of ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Condition (GC) 8 – Dispute Resolution-
    The Contractor may, within ten (10) days after the communication to the Contractor of any decision or direction referred to in GC6.1, "Changes in the Work", and GC2.2, "Interpretation of Contract", protest that decision or direction. A protest referred to ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Condition (GC) 8- Dispute Resolution
    The Contractor may, within ten (10) days after the communication to the Contractor of any decision or direction referred to in GC6.1, "Changes in the Work", and GC2.2, "Interpretation of Contract", protest that decision or direction. A protest referred to ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Condition (GC) 8- Dispute Resolution
    GC8.1 Interpretation GC8.2 Consultation and Co-operation GC8.3 Notice of Dispute GC8.4 Negotiation GC8.5 Mediation GC8.6 Binding Arbitration GC8.7 Disputes not Subject to Arbitration GC8.8 Confidentiality GC8.9 Settlement GC8.10 Rules for Mediation of ...

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