Sewage Treatment Equipment

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GSIN Description
Sewage Treatment Equipment
GSIN Category
GSIN Group Description
Water Purification and Sewage Treatment Equipment
GSIN Code Status
Not applicable

GSIN direct descendents

Code Title
N4630 Sewage Treatment Equipment
N4630AA Lime Slakers
N4630AB Comminutors and Grinders
N4630AC Screens, Sewage Treatment Plant
N4630AD Grit Remover, Sewage Treatment Plant
N4630AE Grease Remover, Sewage Treatment Plant
N4630AF Clarifier/Settling Tank
N4630AG Field Erected Treatment Plants
N4630AH Aerator Submerged
N4630AJ Aerator Floating
N4630AK Aerator Mechanical
N4630AL Sludge Collector
N4630AM Sludge Incinerator
N4630AN Sludge Heater
N4630AP Sludge De-Watering Equipment
N4630AQ Package Plant - Extender Aeration
N4630AR Package Plant - Industrial Waste Treatment
N4630AS Package Plant - Marine
N4630AT Package Plant - Effluent Polish
N4630AU Package Plant - Physical/Chemical
N4630AV Package Plant - Biological Disc
N4630AW Package Flocculator
N4630AX Pressure/Vacuum Filters, Sewage Treatment Plant
N4630AY Gravity Filters, Sewage Treatment Plant
N4630AZ Ion Exchange Plant
N4630BA Distillation Plant, Sewage Treatment
N4630BB Reverse Osmosis Plant, Sewage Treatment
N4630BC Chlorination Plant, Sewage Treatment
N4630BD Chemical Feeders
N4630BE Mixers, Sewage Treatment Plant
N4630BF Lift Stations
N4630BG Submersible Sewage Pumps
N4630BH Solids Pumps, Sewage Treatment Plant
N4630BJ Blowers, Sewage Aeration
N4630BK Ejectors, Sewage Treatment Plant
N4630BL Instruments and Controls, Sewage Treatment Plant
N4630BM Samplers, Sewage Treatment Plant

Contact for this GSIN Code

There is no available contact for this GSIN code.