Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous

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GSIN Description
Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous
GSIN Category
GSIN Group Description
Vehicular Equipment Components
GSIN Code Status
Not applicable

GSIN direct descendents

Code Title
N2590 Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous
N2590A Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous, for Tracked and Wheeled Vehicles, Except Ground Effect and Armoured Fighting Vehicles
N2590B Roll Over Protective Structures, for Tracked and Wheeled Vehicles, Except Ground Effect and Armoured Fighting Vehicles
N2590C Miscellaneous Vehicular Components, Armoured Fighting Vehicle, S.M.P.
N2590D Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous, N.E.S. (By Company)
N2590AA Cylinder Assembly, Hydraulic, for Tracked and Wheeled Vehicles, Except Ground Effect and Armoured Fighting Vehicles
N2590CA Miscellaneous Vehicular Components, N.E.S., Armoured Fighting Vehicle, S.M.P.
N2590CB Blade, Bulldozer, Armoured Fighting Vehicle, S.M.P.
N2590CC Cylinder Assembly, Armoured Fighting Vehicle, S.M.P.
N2590001 Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous (Standard Commercial)
N2590002 Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous, in Accordance with Engineering Drawings
N2590003 Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous (Standard Commercial) Rebuilt
N2590DAA Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous, N.E.S.
N2590DAB Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous, N.E.S. Jeep Division
N2590DAC Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous, N.E.S. - Americal Motors, Rambler Division
N2590DBA Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous, N.E.S. - Chrysler
N2590DBB Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous, N.E.S. - Chrysler, Dodge Division
N2590DBC Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous, N.E.S. - Chrysler, Plymouth Division
N2590DCA Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous, N.E.S. - Ford
N2590DCB Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous, N.E.S. - Ford, Mercury Division
N2590DDA Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous, N.E.S. - General Motors
N2590DDB Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous, N.E.S. - General Motors, Chevrolet
N2590DDC Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous, N.E.S. - General Motors, Pontiac
N2590DEA Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous, N.E.S. - International
N2590DEB Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous, N.E.S. - International Harvester
N2590DEC Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous, N.E.S. - Mactrucks
N2590DED Vehicular Components, Miscellaneous - Dominion Auto

Contact for this GSIN Code

There is no available contact for this GSIN code.