Marine Hardware and Hull Items

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GSIN Description
Marine Hardware and Hull Items
GSIN Category
GSIN Group Description
Ship and Marine Equipment
GSIN Code Status
Not applicable

GSIN direct descendents

Code Title
N2040 Marine Hardware and Hull Items
N2040A Anchors (Sea)
N2040B Hatches
N2040D Boom Fittings, Sailboat
N2040E Fenders, Marine
N2040F Doors, Metal, Marine
N2040G Fairleads
N2040H Fittings, Chain, Cable Marine
N2040J Hooks, Shackles
N2040K Horns, Electric, Marine
N2040L Ladders
N2040M Marine Hardware and Hull Items (Small Craft)
N2040N Mooring Bits, Bollards and Cleats
N2040P Oars, Paddles and Staves
N2040Q Plates, Deck
N2040R Portlight
N2040S Rudders, Ships
N2040T Scuttles
N2040U Spurnwater Spillway, Rubber
N2040V Stanchions, Rail
N2040W Windows, Ships
N2040X Valves, Scupper
N2040EA Fenders, Dock
N2040EB Fenders, Pneumatic
N2040EC Fenders, Rope
N2040ED Fenders, Marine, N.E.S.
N2040EE Fenders Marine, Systems
N2040FA Doors, Metal, Marine, Non-Power Operated
N2040FB Doors, Metal, Marine, Power Operated
N2040FC Doors, Metal, Marine, N.E.S.

Contact for this GSIN Code

There is no available contact for this GSIN code.