PAD Record

ZL Division - Project Delivery Services Division

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Contacts for Goods and Services Identification Number (GSIN) Codes

Contacts for GSIN Codes

Procurement Division Code
Division Name and Contact Page
Project Delivery Services Division

GSIN codes under this procurement division

Code Title Code status
K105A Commercial Security Guard and Related Services Active
K106A Disinfecting and Exterminating Active
K106B Control of Disease Services (Spraying) Active
K106C Mosquito and other Insect Control Active
L004A Actuarial Services Active
L004B Insurance Associated Risk Management Active
L004C Insurance Services Active
L099H Financial Related Risk Management Services Active
M181A Operation and Maintenance Services of a Technical/Scientific Facility Active
R019P Threat and Risk Assessment Services Active
R019Q Marine Consulting Active
R101A Expert Witness Active
R201F Hiring of Ships' Crews, Pilots, Etc. Active
R201H Executive Search Services Active
V502C Accommodation and Food Services, N.E.S. Active
V506A Diving and Salvage Services Active
K105AO Commissionaire Services Active
R201FA Services Related to Water Transportation - Hiring of Ships' Crews, Pilots, Etc. Active
V502CA Accommodation and/or Food Support Services Active