PAD Record

SV Division - Defence Sciences Division

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Contacts for Goods and Services Identification Number (GSIN) Codes

Contacts for GSIN Codes

Procurement Division Code
Division Name and Contact Page
Defence Sciences Division

GSIN codes under this procurement division

Code Title Code status
B000A Chemical/Biological Studies and Analyses, Military Active
AC217760 Missile Technology (R&D) Active
AC517728 Conventional Military Weapons/Equipment (R&D) Active
AC517748 Military Target Ranges/Systems (R&D) Active
AC617732 Electronic Military Countermeasures (Research) Active
AC617736 Military Communications (Research) Active
AC617768 Radar Defence Systems (R&D) Active
AD217740 Military Logistics (Research) Active
AD917700 Military (R&D) Active
AD917712 Biological Defence Technology (R&D) Active
AD917716 Camouflage (R&D) Active
AD917720 Chemical Defence Technology (R&D) Active
AD917724 Combat Stress Effects (R&D) Active
AJ110724 Biochemistry (R&D) Active
AJ111140 Trace Element Chemistry (R&D) Active
AJ119004 Acoustical Analysis/Technology (R&D) Active
AJ119036 Electro-Optics Technology (R&D) Active
AJ119040 Electromagnetic Technology (R&D) Active
AJ119064 Laser Technology (R&D) Active
AJ119084 Radiometric Technology (R&D) Active
AJ212512 Communications Network Hardware (R&D) Active
AJ212516 Communications Network Software (R&D) Active
AJ212540 Expert Systems Development (R&D) Active
AJ212552 Image Enhancement Analysis Technology (R&D) Active
AJ212568 Pattern/Optical Recognition Technology (R&D) Active
AJ412008 Antenna Technology (R&D) Active
AJ412048 Mobile Radio Technology (R&D) Active
AJ412100 Ultra Violet (UV) Technology (R&D) Active
AK117000 Materials/Products (R&D) Active
AP518588 Sonar Technology (R&D) Active
AR210440 Rocket Payload Instrumentation (R&D) Active
AS219528 All Terrain Vehicles (R&D) Active
AS219652 Vehicle Performance Measurement (Research) Active
AS419584 Marine Vessel Propulsion (Research) Active
AS419632 Shipboard Electronics (R&D) Active
AT319560 Integrated Navigation Systems (R&D) Active
AZ110111 Scientific Data Collection - Field (R&D) Active
AZ110112 Scientific Data Collection - Other Than Field (R&D) Active
AZ110114 Real Time Analysis: Science and Technology Related (R&D) Active
AZ110136 Measuring Instruments-Design, Development, Modification: Science and Technology Related (R&D) Active
AZ110140 Product/Material - Design, Development, Formulation, Modification: Science and Technology Related (R&D) Active
AZ110172 Forecasting Models: Science and Technology Related (R&D) Active
AZ110174 Mathematical Models/Algorithms: Science and Technology Related (R&D) Active
AZ110176 Process Simulation Models: Science and Technology Related (R&D) Active
AZ110178 Functional Simulation Modelling : Science and Technology Related (R&D) Active
AZ110210 Research Project Management Services (R&D) Active
AZ110252 System Requirements Definition: Science and Technology Related (R&D) Active
AZ110254 System Design, Development and Testing: Science and Technology Related (R&D) Active