PAD Record

FE Division - Architectural and Engineering Services Division

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Contacts for Goods and Services Identification Number (GSIN) Codes

Contacts for GSIN Codes

Procurement Division Code
Division Name and Contact Page
Architectural and Engineering Services Division

GSIN codes under this procurement division

Code sort descending Title Code status
B202A Geotechnical Studies - Licensed Engineers Active
B219A Other Engineering Studies Active
C119A Architectual Services - Buildings Active
C119C Construction Supervision Services Active
C119F Engineering Services - Buildings Active
C121A Architectural & Engineering Services - Restoration/Conservation Heritage Building Structures Active
C122A Architectural & Engineering Services - Highways, Roads, Railways,Bridges and Dams Active
C123A Architectural & Engineering Services - Power Generation and Utilities Active
C129A Architectural & Engineering Services - Other Non-Building Structures Active
C130A Architectural & Engineering Services - Restoration/Conservation Heritage Non-Building Structures Active
C211DA Interior Design Services including Functional Programming Active
C211E Landscape Architecture Services Active
C213A Architectural & Engineering Inspection Services Active
C213C Construction Materials - Inspection, Testing and Evaluation Active
C219D Other Architectural and Engineering Services - Real Property Active
C219DA Environmental Engineering Services - Real Property Active