Contracts awarded to [insert supplier legal name]

Attention! CanadaBuys is the new official source for Government of Canada tender and award notices. This means you can now search for and bid on tender opportunities posted on CanadaBuys.

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New! The Supplier Contract History Letter has been redirected to a new location on CanadaBuys’ website.

Step 2 of creating your own Supplier Contract History Letter is to select the contracts that you want to include in your letter, and create a preview.

The table below displays all of the contracts that were awarded to this supplier. Please note that the table only displays 10 entries per page. Be sure to scroll through all pages of your search results to view your contracts before selecting "Preview letter." You can also sort the contracts by selecting a category header in the table.

Step 2: Select contracts and create a preview of your letter

Follow these steps to create a preview of your letter:

  1. Select the contracts that you want to include in your letter by placing a check mark next to each contract.
  2. Select “Preview letter” to create a draft letter that you can review.