List of Interested Suppliers - Terms of Use

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List of Interested Suppliers - Terms of Use

Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), on behalf of the Government of Canada, is making available to businesses the ability to optionally self-identify their interest in a specific tender notice through the List of Interested Suppliers (LIS). Businesses can provide their contact information to signal to other businesses their interest in a specific active tender notice on Their contact information is published on the associated LIS and is available publicly to any individual who visits

The LIS service is only available on and only reflects the interest of suppliers who have viewed tenders on this site. A LIS does not capture any expressed interest by suppliers who may have viewed the Government of Canada tender as redistributed information by a third-party service provider (such as MERX, biddingo, etc.). A LIS does not form part of the official tender solicitation package, and therefore is not available as part of the open tender data file. Once the tender closing date has passed, the LIS is closed but will still remain visible for reference. No new contacts can be added to or removed from the LIS for an expired tender notice. The LIS will be unpublished when the tender notice is archived (i.e. the tender is cancelled or awarded).

The LIS for a specific tender notice does not replace or affect the tendering procedures in place for the procurement. Businesses are still required to respond to bid solicitations and to compete based on established bid criteria. PWGSC makes no representations about the accuracy of the information contained in the LIS and is not responsible for the re-use of information contained in the LIS by other external organizations or entities.

Learn how to Join a List of Interested Suppliers.

Participation in the List of Interested Suppliers

PWGSC, on behalf of the Government of Canada, manages the List of Interested Suppliers and considers free self-identifying on the LIS an opportunity for businesses to increase networking or partnering opportunities. Participation in the LIS for each individual tender notice is open to all businesses, subject to the limitations set out below:

  1. PWGSC reserves the right to exclude from the LIS businesses that provide or are likely to provide sexually exploitative or sexually explicit entertainment, products or services;
  2. PWGSC reserves the right to exclude businesses that market products or services that are illegal or restrained by court order (e.g., court order regarding the right of a company to use a trademark);
  3. PWGSC reserves the right to exclude or to remove from the LIS businesses that misrepresent the company name or first and last name fields and / or include superfluous marketing material; and
  4. PWGSC reserves the right to exclude or to remove from the LIS businesses that may be or whose activities may be inconsistent with or in non-compliance with federal or provincial legislation, policies or programs.

The self-identified businesses acknowledge and agree that PWGSC reserves the right to remove a business from the LIS at PWGSC sole discretion and without notice.

Requesting removal from the List of Interested Suppliers

Businesses may only request that their business name and contact information be removed from the LIS while the associated tender is "active". Once the tender closing date has passed, the LIS is closed but will still remain visible for reference. No new contacts can be added to or removed from the LIS for an expired tender notice. Once the associated tender has been "cancelled" or is "awarded", businesses may not be removed from the LIS. The LIS will be unpublished when the tender notice is archived (i.e. the tender is cancelled or awarded). Archived information cannot be altered or updated according to Government of Canada standards.

Businesses complete an online form to submit their information to join the LIS for a specific tender. When the form is submitted businesses receive a confirmation email containing a link to verify their email and to publish their information on the LIS for a specific tender. This email also contains a link that businesses use to remove their name from the LIS. Businesses are advised to retain this email should they wish to remove their name from the LIS at a later date.

If businesses no longer have the original confirmation email, they should contact the team at; Achatsetventes.Buyingandselling [at]

Accuracy of information

The information is provided by businesses on a voluntary basis. PWGSC is not responsible for the accuracy or the reliability of the contents contained in any of the LIS. The accuracy and reliability of the information contained in an active LIS are the sole responsibility of the self-identified businesses. It is the responsibility of the business to ensure the accuracy of their contact information contained in an active LIS.

To update contact information on an active LIS for a specific active tender, businesses must remove their existing record and use the online submission form to create a new record with the new information.

Businesses complete an online form to submit their information to join the LIS for a specific tender. When the form is submitted, businesses receive a confirmation email containing a link to verify their email and to publish their information on the LIS for a specific tender. This email also contains a link that businesses can use to remove their name from the LIS. Businesses are advised to retain this email should they wish to remove their name from the LIS at a later date, while the tender is still “active”.

If businesses no longer have the original confirmation email, they should contact the team at; Achatsetventes.Buyingandselling [at]

No Endorsement

Businesses voluntarily add their contact and social media network information on the LIS to signal their interest in a specific tender notice to other businesses. The LIS is provided solely for the convenience of businesses who may wish to contact other businesses who have expressed an interest in a specific tender.

PWGSC does not offer any guarantee in that regard, or any other regards, and is not responsible for the information found through these links, nor does it endorse businesses that are found on any LIS, nor does it take any responsibility for the re-use of the information by any organisation or entity.

Acceptance of the List of Interested Suppliers Terms of Use

Your access to, and use of, the LIS associated to any active Government of Canada tender notice is subject to your acceptance of the above Terms of Use.

PWGSC may, at its sole discretion, change, add, or remove all or any part of the LIS Terms of Use from time to time. These changes shall become part of the LIS Terms of Use and shall be effective as soon as the revised LIS Terms of Use is published on

PWGSC will inform businesses when a revised LIS Terms of Use is published on by posting a news item on the site and sending an email notification.